Cathe DVD in lost baggage :(


Does anyone have experience with an airline losing thier luggage? We arrived home from a week long trip last night, and only 2 of our bags made it to Phoenix. I just got a call from the airline (Southwest) and they said they still haven't been able to locate the lost bag. I had to give the lady a list of the contents. Of course bundled safely inside are the new Classics DVD I got from my mom for Christmas, along with Step This Way by Kristin Kagen... Not to mention 3 pairs of Gap jeans, a wool sweater, and a cool new All-Clad frying pan. WHY did it have to be THAT bag that got lost/stolen???
Any advice or helpful stories to give me some hope?
Don't worry -- they'll find it. DH lost his lugage too, and they could not locate it for 2 days. But it turned up somehow... if you give a good description of the luggage. If they could not locate it, they have to pay you money for the luggage (there's a limit though). Check your ticket to see how much you could recover, just in case.

We have lost luggage more times than I can count and it's always, always, been found with everything in tact. They'll find it for sure. ;-)
Found it!

Thanks you guys! They called to tell us they've got the bag. Yay! We're going to go pick it up at the airport rather than wait for them to deliver it and the other millions of bags that got lost yesterday!
I can't wait to see what the Classics DVD is like! Now I'll have all the DVD's except Ab Hits...
Thanks again for your support ;-)
Same here. We have always had it returned with all contents unharmed. Once it was even left on the tarmacin Cancun. It did take a week, but we got it all. ( several pieces!)

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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