Cathe, do you ever have knee problems????


:( Cathe, I have had problems with my left knee on and off for about a couple of years now. It has started flaring up again and I was wondering if it could be from years of stepping? A couple of years ago I ended up quitting all exercise because of this. I was wondering through all the years you have been stepping have you ever had knee problems??? My knee is quite sore when I squat or bend it, but it is tolerable. I wonder if this could be arthritis? Any suggestions? Thank you!
I know Cathe injured her knee in a ski accident several years ago and went through a rather grueling rehab. There was a recent post on this but I don't know where it is. I also wonder if the knee pain ever comes back with all the intensity and stepping she does.
I was wondering about that as I can see a scar on her knee in some of the videos. That is awesome that she can workout like she does after having an accident!!!! Holy smokes. Her whole group is amazing.
Hi, not Cathe, but a knee sufferer. I just had surgery last week of my right knee after 4 long months of horrible pain. Prior to that I was experiencing pain on the medial (inside) part of my knee. I can tell you from my own experience that having your knee thoroughly checked out with a specialist, MRI's, etc. will give you a better idea of what is the cause of your dicomfort and pain. I have arthrtis on both knees but my ortho specialist assures me that after I heal from my recent surgery I will be able to return to my workouts with some modification. Have you been to a specialist or had tests done to determine your pain. Cathe had reconstructive ACL surgery due to a skiing accident and if this is not my motivation, what is? Have your knee checked out and let us know how you're doing. Ice and rest with some OTC meds should help alieve your pain until you see a specialist - listen to your body.

Take care and hope you feel better soon!

Hi Lisa! I strongly encourage you to see your doctor about this. Two years is too long to deal with an injury with uncertainty. Knees are so tricky and their injuries can stem from many things. You really won't know until you have it looked at and evaluated professionally.

By the way, I think I remember you mentioning that today was your birthday. If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY :7
:D Thanks for the birthday wishes Cathe! I will get my knee checked out. It only flares up once in a while, so I put off getting anything done about it. I will get it checked out though! Thanks again!

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