Cathe curious about performance Eating Clean question?


Cathe, Would performance while exercising be more productive if eating is cleaner?
I used to be able to do eagle spreads in school.
I guess I am asking would a person have more energy during workouts
if their diet is more perfected? Hope this makes sense.
Thanks. Rocky
Hi! I am not Cathe, but I do have a certification in nutrition. Yes, performance is always better if you have better eating. Your body is like a car and needs proper nutrition to run effectively. You should supply your "engine" with enough fuel (calories) coming from wholesome foods like compex carbohydrates, fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eating unhealthy junk does nothing for your engine, except give you a spare tire!!

Hope this helps,

Not Cathe, but I would agree with the above poster -- I think your performance will definitely improve when your eating improves.

In fact, the thing that finally got me to get serious about my food was Cathe's 4 Day Split -- I was tired a lot and STARVING. I changed what I was eating, and the results started to come. It's like I can't do it (eating clean) for myself some times. It's easier for me to rationalize that I do it because it gets me the best results with my workouts.

Hope that helps!
Hi! ACtually, no. You should see improved performance with each workout as long as you continue with the good eating. Again, remember: your body is engine and proper fuel will make it go longer!!


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