Cathe (copied from YOUR question thread)?


Okay, Cathe, I have to ask - and I hope you won't be mad. I did splits for a year and got so-so results so I switched to full-body workouts (including Muscle Max, which I love) and immediately saw great results. Because I know splits don't really do much for me I wanted to get your feelings on the way I'm using STS (uh oh, she's thinking...): Like everyone else, I'm working out to STS 3 days per week but I'm not doing each complete disk in 1, 2, 3 order. Because I'm trying to get my largest muscle groups firing first (I'm trying to burn fat) I'm trying to hit all the muscle groups in each workout. I'm doing a third of each of three disks, in reverse order (i.e., 3,2,1 1st third/1st workout, followed by 3,2,1 second third/second workout, then 3,2,1 final third/third workout, then the same pattern for disks 6,5,4...). I planned to work STS this way up to mesocycle 3.

I know you designed STS to work in a very specific way and you may, perhaps, not approve. Your feelings regarding whether or not using STS in this way will or will not be effective would be appreciated because I wonder if it's even possible to do STS the way I need to. You'd know better than me if this is going to work.

At any rate, I love the look, feel, and pacing of these workouts and the way they cut straight to the chase, though this may only be true of M1 (muscle endurance), which is designed with little down time for a reason. I haven't previewed the other mesocycles yet.

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