Can anyone out there sell me on this? I waiver back and forth on whether or not to order. Has anyone had the chance to try in their class yet. If so, was it a hit??
Thanks for your help! (I wish CTX CD was available, too!).
I've used it in a couple of my classes. It's great. I love it. I've used it for step interval and a boot camp class. They love it. It rocks. Right now is a good time to buy from Dynamix too. Get 5 CDs for $100. Most of the music is $26.99 and for that price, you save quite a bit.
I also ordered Lisa Gaylord's Kardio Kombat. It is awesome for Boot Camp classes and kickboxing. You can listen to clips on Dynamix. It's listed under the BKHowe group.
Hi Sharon! I just got the CD and LOVE it. I have the IS, but hearing the music on the stereo is more powerful. I'm sure it will rock in the club. Thanks again for encouraging me to get it!