Cathe - can you 4 Day Split be...well... Split?


Active Member
Hey Cathe - got my preorder here in eastern Canada this week and am planning my first real rotation - hope my attention span cooperates. The Nov one you posted looks like what I had in mind with the Yoga day and "potential" extra cardio day.

During the week I work out at 5 am but the longest I can do is about 50 min. Wondering what your thoughts are on Splitting the workouts...cardio in the a.m. and then the weights that evening. I may end up doing this about twice a week.
I've read differing opinions on this type of thing. Do you think doing so would hinder (or help?) results?

Hi--not Cathe but IMO you have to do what you can to fit it into your schedule. If this is what works best for you then go for it. After all, the key to sticking w/a routine is convenince.

During the week I split my cardio & weights, doing cardio in the morning & hitting the gym at night. I don't know the physiology behind it but I've gotten pretty good results, not to mention it's a routine I can live with. Took me years to figure it out but I finally have a schedule I can stick to! :)
I am another "split the cardio and weights gal". I just cannot lift very well in the morning, I do not have that extra "oomph" I do in the early evening. Plus, splitting your workouts means you get an extra metabolic boost later in the day right?:)

Oh, obviously not Cathe, just had to add my 2 cents.;)

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