Cathe Cam this morning



I just had to say that this mornings workout looked so fun and TOUGH! The cam cleared up about half way through so I got a pretty good idea of what Circuit Max will look like. The music was awesome. My almost 6 year old son and 19 month old daughter were both bouncing around her "working out" and having a blast.

I'm like everyone else, I'm about to bubble over waiting for the new tapes. It's also motivating me to be consistent with my workouts. I'm "in training" for the new tapes

Hi Allison!

Glad you liked the workout. It really is a lot of fun. You have to give it a few tries to learn the little mini combo's, and also decide what weight and step height presents the greatest intensity challenge for you. But after that its so fun because there is something constantly changing which holds your interest as well as your heart rate for many workouts to come.

Give your kids a high five from me and tell them they did a great job too
Hi Alison

Just had to pop in here and say that our kids are about the same ages. My oldest is 5 1/2 and my youngest is 16 m. I thought I was the only person in the world who spaced them out like that. At any rate, it seems like it when setting up playgroups, since (at least around here) I am missing the middle one.
Glad to hear from you

You know, I couldn't imagine having them any closer together. My son has way too much energy and required too much attention for me to have another baby any sooner than I did. They have a great relationship which I was worried about. Well, except for the fact that my daughter is now walking up to him and bopping him on his head at any given point during the day
I know this is awful but, it's really funny. But I do discourage it though.

I understand-

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-00 AT 10:35AM (EST)</font></center>

I was going to ask you if your first was "spirited". My first takes an amazing amount of energy. In fact he has taken more energy than his little brother from the first day of his brother's life until a few weeks ago. Now they are both high need. All I can say is that I hope they both get over it.
Oh yes

He is very spirited. I love 'em though
I'm lucky when it comes to my daughter. She's usually very calm and happy. She's not a pushover though. This is something her brother is finding out


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