Cathe Cam for the first time!!!

I FINALLY was able to remember the right time for a class and watch a Cathe class live. Now I want to know if this Mon class is similar to the Cardio Kicks?! It looked like so much fun and I can't wait to get my tapes. If it weren't for the big belly I would have been exercising along with ya'll this morning. As it is I am at the EXTREME modification phase-- still doing Cathe tapes though! Also wanted to know if that was a wt belt you took off towards the end of class or some kind of mike? I know I am too nosy for my own good.Almost makes me want to move just so I can enjoy one of those classes in person. Here in a month or so I will be tuning in to the live classes and actually moving my bod-- Thanks for putting out all the great workouts that you can depend on getting your $ worth. I truly appreciate it and will even more so as I begin my postpartum return at the end of Aug!
I watched this morning, too!

The class looked great! Can't wait to get Cardio Kicks! Okay...can't wait to get *all* the new vids!
Argh!! I knew I forgot something!

I had this sticky-note on my computer that said July 10, 6:10 AM (I'm in CA), and I had completely forgotten what it was for. I saw this and I remembered--oops!! I had wanted to watch Cathe's class!!

One of these days I'm going to remember and FINALLY catch Cathe's class
Cardio Kicks on Cam!

Hi Momincharge1! Yes, that was very similar to the Cardio Kicks workout video. The music is the exact same music that we use in the video. You will see most of those moves in the video too, with the only difference being that I changed the order of the combo's around a bit.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for joining us and good luck with the remainder of your pregnancy. I'll be waiting to hear about your wonderful news in August. Keep on modifying

Now it's even WORSE!!! I can NOT wait to get those new tapes and get back in gear! That class looked soooo fun! I will be waiting impatiently at the mailbox next month!

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