Cathe Calendar Results for September


The end of this month has finally arrived, and it is almost time to flip my Cathe calendar again. Praise God! The only thing good I have to say about September is that it is almost over, and I am still standing and wearing the same size clothes (as I usually get bigger during stressful times). This was a stressful September for sure. I feel like I have been under attack all month, and all areas of my life (personal and professional) have been hit hard from relationships to finances and everything in between. Ugh! The relationship stuff is too personal to share publically. Financially, I was on track to be completely debt free within a year. All hell broke loose this month. My car started burning oil and needs a new engine a month after the warranty expired. I have a toothache and need dental work. I need new glasses and contacts. My feet are killing me, and I need new shoes or something because standing for longer than 30 minutes is painful. The pain in my feet is keeping me awake at night, so I need to deal with it. After trying to work all these unexpected expenses into my budget, I was hit with the news that I need to start looking for a new job after 14 years. I blew it with my eating more than once, but I finally got back on track this past week. I was hoping to have a less stressful week. It was an unplanned “rest” week unless finding a bathroom full of standing water at 2:00 a.m. and staying up all night cleaning up the mess counts as a workout. Oh, I also decided to deep clean and organize my workout area this month. I remember why I hate to start major cleaning projects like this because I always make a big mess in the process. Hurricane Heather hit! I broke one of the blinds while taking them down to clean the windows, the steam cleaner sprung a leak and started spraying water everywhere, I broke my favorite lamp, and I went to Target for a replacement and knocked a ceramic lamp off the shelf and broke it. Bring on October! LOL!

After the glorious dream Road Trip weekend in Jersey last month, I definitely experienced a reality crash this month. I was planning to focus on fitness and nutrition after Labor Day. That did not happen. I did learn to endure stress without eating my way through it after failing the first few tests. That is my victory for the month. Oh, the capris I bought in Jersey still fit comfortably. This month was not a total disaster. I am looking forward to the new Cathe workouts (if my feet can handle them), and I am hoping to have better news to share next month.

Other than checking Ask Cathe and the blog for updates and checking in once, I basically took a break from the forums this month. I have been missing y’all!

Michele, I was so tempted to return to the HATE check-in this month. LOL! I hate months like this!

Daily girls, PYGFO girls, and T-12 girls, I am looking forward to checking in with y’all again in October. The storms of life blew my game face to hell this month, and I had nothing good to report.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
(((HUGS))) to you after a rough month! All things considered, it sounds as though you did well with damage control--and kept your sense of humor, too. Good for you. I hope you have a pain-free, catastrophe-free October with good news on the job front!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Great big (((HUGS))) coming your way. It sounds like you have definately been through some trials this month...I hope your October is the greatest. Keep your faith...the Lord has a plan for you!!
Sweet Heather!
(((((HUGS TO YOU!!!)))) Here's hoping that October brings much better things your way. I have wondered about you and noticed that you had not been posting, so I was glad to hear from you today.
Take care and remember what Cathe told you...."You are sweeter than birthday cake itself!"


Thank goodness nothing stays the same. A new month seems to be very inspiring, so hang on to that. Hope you have a great October.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

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