Cathe, bitte antworte mir!


Hi Cathe,

I am a following your 6 month STS rotation. Last week I did Meso 1, disc 10, 11 and 12! This week is meso 1 again, round 2 with disc 10, 11 and 12. The last few weeks I’ve been having a lot of problems with my sinuses. I saw a doctor twice last week, because I couldn’t breathe through my nose, my nose (left side) is completely blocked. The first time I saw the doctor he told me I had allergies, he sent me home with allergy meds. Well, that next morning I had nasty stuff coming down my nose, I knew I didn’t have allergies; I went back to the doctor’s office. This time he took x-rays, my sinus canals were blocked, he sent me home with nasal spray (with steroid) nose drops and antibiotics. I should be feeling fantastic by now, I am taking all those meds since last Thursday and I still can’t breathe. I still followed the STS rotation last week and did all my workouts. For cardio I did mostly walking.
Monday, I couldn’t take it anymore, I wanted a second opinion and I saw an ENT doctor. I have sinusitis, which is blocking my nasal passage. The ENT doctor took an allergy test (good news, I have No allergies!), he also did an ultrasound and more x-rays. He had to go in with a very long needle and poke a whole through the cavity itself. It was awful and painful; I thought he was going to flush the cavity. I was shaking when he broke the bone inside my nose (he has to do this in order to clean out the mucus)! DH watched, he said he had to look away, because he couldn’t believe what came out of my nose, lol. My eyes started watering and a stream of blood and huge mucus came out. I am still very stuffed up, but the bleeding finally stopped. I have never had an infection like this before. Couldn’t my nose wait until next week? Next week is my first recovery week!

I am not sure what I should do next with my STS rotation? As long as I can’t freely breathe through my nose, I know I shouldn’t exercise and wait until the infection is gone. What should I do, since I will miss doing disc 10, 11 and 12 this week? Next week is my recovery week, do I skip my recovery week and repeat round 2 of disc 10, 11 and 12 ? Or should I jump right into Meso 2? Should I do Meso 1 again? I am hoping the infection will clear up in a few day, maybe I still can get disc 10, 11 and 12 this week ? Wishful thinking! I mean eventually the antibiotics have to kick in. I want to get the most out of STS, I have been seeing really nice results.

Cathe, please tell me what I should do next? I need your professional advice on this one. I am lost!

Thanks in advance!


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