Cathe - bent over rows w/ barbell - a ? (Pure Strength)


Cathe -

When I do Pure Strength's underhand barbell rows, I notice that the third set makes my wrist (one or occasionally both) feel like it is pulling apart and it hurts up the forearm. It isn't just on Pure Strength that I feel like this (Gym Style also). I wonder sometimes if it's the width of the barbell (Ivanko padded 48" bar) or the angle of the movement (should I widen my grip more?) or what? Resting doesn't seem to help much and it's not a weakness in the back muscles. I do wrist curls to keep the forearms strong so I'm not sure what else to do. (I'm at 40 lbs. on the bar with Pure Strength & Gym Styles and could probably go heavier but my wrists seem to limit me.)

Do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help!

I have this problem too..

I could do a lot more ROWS (dbl & single), Bicep curls AND deadlifts if only my wrists and hands didn't cramp and burn to the point I can't even hold the weights anymore.

Hate to cut myself short on some great exercises for areas Im really trying to work hard on because I can't hold a weight lol!

Id love to know the options for what could be up with this!
In the past I have used a set of gloves w/ the metal hook that helps hold the bar and relieve stress on the wrists, but the gloves are only o.k. to use those w/ my dumbbells since my bar is padded (which may be the problem). I did pick up a metal bar today (1" diameter) and I may give that a whirl this week when I do upper body again and see if that helps. If not, I'll dig out the gloves again - maybe. I also thought maybe a wider grip might help but I don't know.

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