Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - In


I thought I would start this week's thread seeing as I am first on today. I did the Low Impact Step and the Total Body Sculpting. The Low Impact Step, I did first half on the 6" and the last half on the 4". I feel strong. Yesterday I tackled KPC and the last combo is so awkward for me, that it ends up being my cooldown.

This week's weight loss is four pounds down. I have lost a total of eight pounds since we started this check-in on 11/6.I have thirty-two pounds to go and eight pounds behind me. WW has really helped especially with Thanksgiving. I love those Flex Points. They help me reign in a usually bad habit of overeating to the point of sickness. I felt and feel great. I foung the site It gives quite a few point values for everyday foods and restaurant foods.

I do not really know how I want to do my workouts this week. I know that I want to get used to the 6" height on the step. It is a change in work effort and coordination. I also found the site Bootcamp Buddies, which I came to through about plateaus. I never new all this help was available for free. It is good to have all the bases covered for this very important, last time effort to get rid of these forty pounds. My tummy is feeling nonexistent these days. Doing simple stretches like knees-to-chest is so much easier. I did not realize how much my tummy got in the way of this relaxing pose.

I am nearing the time to get to church. You all have a great Sunday. God Bless! :) :) :7

Belinda, you are off to a great start for this week. Wow, 8 pounds in less than 30 days! Good for you. I hear lots of people on WW, I'm glad it's working for you.

No exercise for me today. This morning was laundry and other household stuff to attend to. For some reason I'm feeling extra tired today. I'm going to come up with a workout plan today for the week. I start classes on tuesday so I'm trying to get everything narrowed down so I won't have to think about it day by day.

Have a great day!
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Here's my plan:
Sun-S and H chest and shoulders (I break it up different than Cathe)
Tues-S and H legs and triceps
Weds-Low Impact Step
Thurs-S and H back and biceps
Fri-IMAX 2 intervals 5-10, blasts only plus Pilates
The cardios will probably get changed up depending on my mood, but I'll stick to the weights plan.
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Hi everyone,

Belinda, congratulations on your 4 pound lost!

Well my TJ's did not come yesterday:-( I hope they will come tomorrow. They were mailed last Tuesday.

Since this is starting my new week today is actually a rest day for me and tomorrow I will High Step Circuit. Hopefully I can post the rest of the weeks exercise schedule tomorrow (hoping TJ's come in).

---Kimberly C
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Awww, Kim-don't you hate waiting for new goodies?

This morning I did KPC without the crunch. I did watch the crunch section the other day, maybe I'll do that this evening. I had abjam scheduled but may give this a try. I also viewed muscle endurance I purchased on vhs. I'm going to add that in this week. So, my schedule will be

Sunday -Rest
Monday -KP + C OR TURBOJAM ABJAM + Slim&Limber stretch
Tuesday-Cher Step w/6" step height
Wednes -Muscle Endurance
Thurs -Low Max w/4" step height + ABS + Slim&Limber stretch
Fri -this was going to be a rest day, but I already took one darn!
Ok, some type of cardio maybe Turbo Jam Cardio Party 1
Sat -Elliptical 30-40 min.
Muscle Endurance
HI everyone,

I am new to the forum but not to Cathe... been a lurker for over a year... when I first started Cathes in June 2004.

I have had to take off the last 3 months so I have lost most of my fitness level not to mention adding some inches... so I hope I can join you all even though you have already got going.

I just got Low impacy step and the Body sculpting dvd to motivate me to get going... So I will be doing this dvd all week, alternating back and forth between the step workout and body sculpting. If I tried to do one of my old advanced Cathes I think I would get discouraged real fast.

So... if it is all right.. I hope to be seeing you all regularly.

tracye :)
Hi Ladies,

I took vacation all of last week and our web access at home is having problems, so I wasn't able to check in much. The check in must be huge motivation because without it I was really bad with my eating and exercising.

I did get up this morning and work out on the elliptical for 35 mins.

Belinda, your success is so inspiring!
Kim, I'd love to here about Turbo Jam when you get it.

I'm waivering on doing PowerHour tonight or not. If I do, I'll do Ryhthmic Step tomorrow morning. If not, I'll do Powerhour tomorrow morning.

See ya,
Hi Tracye,
Welcome to the group, the more the merrier. We decided on doing a weekly thread. No one leads really, just whoever happens to workout first on sunday usually creates the thread.

I look forward to reading of your workouts and progress.
Hi everyone and Welcome Tracye. You're off to a good start. You will love Low Impact Step and Body Sculpting. We are a good support team!!!

I overslept this morning for my workout. We had a Tornado that came through parts of Missouri. ( I live in St. Louis) Sirens were going on for a while then I couldn't fall asleep until after 3:30am. On the other hand this evening I received my Turbos. I did Learn and Burn this evening. I can tell this is going to be a good Lower Body workout. My next workout to purchase will be KPC/LG.

My schedule for the week is:
Mon - TJ Learn & Burn
Tue - TJ CP1
Wed - Body Fusion
Thur- TJ CP1
Fri - High Step Circuit

--Kimberly C
Hello Ladies!!!
Welcome Tracye. You will get motivated.

Crissy, Kim, what is Turbo Jam?

I think I have a plan for the week. I saw some changes in my rearend going past my office windows today. I think it is the KPC...all those back kicks.

I am trying to get in the water. I do not like water. It is very bland and cold. We started getting snow last week and it just bum's me to drink cold water.
Oh!! The Plan...
Sun - Low Impact Step/Total Body Sculpting
Mon - Off Day
Tue - SJP(step only on 6")+ Ab add on
Wed - Power Training
Thr - visit gym (bike and weights
Fri - Off Day
Sat - Low Impact STep Lower Body Scult
Hi everyone,

This morning I did CP1. I'm really not feeling this one too much. I might put them on the Ya Ya Swap. I see CP2 is just a little bit different than CP1 more high jumping. I don't think I would do this for 43 minutes but maybe just 20 minutes. I felt like I really didn't have a good workout. Tomorrow will be High Step Circuit.

--Kimberly C
Kim, did you feel it with the learn and burn? For me, I did the learn and burn a couple of times and went straight into cardio party 1. I did not like the 20-minute workout at all. For me, what works for cardio party is focusing on the punches, going low with the leg moves. I was suprised that I burned over 400 calories with this workout. I think it was about the third workout when everything started to flow and I was giving the moves more umph. Then I got kpc to which turbo doesn't compare. I wish I would've known you were considering them both cause I would have suggested kpc-the dvd version. I bought the vhs, but I really would like the premixes. Also, I'll be sad if my vcr eats this tape.

I'm playing hookie from work today. I'm going to check out this ya ya swap you keep talking about ;-)
I've been SUCH a slouch! Didn't work out Thursday-Sunday...Yesterday I did one segment of ab hits...The rest of the week will be as follows...

Tuesday-CTX Power circut (no weights) and CTX kickbox
Wed.-CTX Power Circut (with weights) and Supersets
Thursday-CTX Kickbox 2x's
Friday-Step and Intervals

Hopefully that'll get me back on track!
Hi all,

thanks for all your greetings. Yesterday afternoon I did the new beg/int workout (I never can remember the name) Working out in the afternoon is best for me.

today I will do the 30 min. weight workout and see how it goes.

thanks all for being there. It helps to encourage me to do it.

Wow, no new postings?

No workout for me today or yesterday. I'm feeling a bit under the weather. Can you believe tomorrow is December?

Tracye-Was that basic step (this one has body fusion with it) that you did or low impact step (this one has body sculpting with it)? How do you like it?
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

I did S and H legs and tris. I really like the way I'm dividing it up. Cath'e was too much heavy weights (chest and back) all on one day. Sat. I'll finish with back and bis. I hope I can go swimming tomorrow afternoon. It's supposed to be 70. I need swimming to loosen me up from slow and heavy. So my plan is some cardio (can't decide yet), stability ball abs, and then swimming for Thursday.
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Hi everyone,

I didn't exercise this morning. I stayed up late last night watching The Biggest Loser which I recorded. It was 11:45 pm when the lights went out. I am going to exercise tomorrow morning but I don't know what as of yet. I have to think of a new rotation since the TJ's didn't work for me. Chris, I just did Learn and Burn and I thought it was going to be great until I tried doing it for 43 minutes with CP1. I am looking to get KPC/LG off the Ya Yas Swap. If there is no seller then I will buy it from Cathe within the next week. I have a few rotations in mind but I need KPC and Muscle Max for them. I am getting Supersets/Push Pull DVD next week.

--Kimberly C
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Hello everyone,

No one else has posted for the day:-( I exercised this evening and did an old timer which is Leslie Sansone Walk and Kick. It felt good to do something a little light this evening. I have been working on a rotation that will include her 4 mile walk challenge. I really sweat when I do that one. I can't wait until her 5 mile walk comes out later in the year or early next year. I guess I will have to break down and purchase KPC/LG from Cathe also I am going to pre-order Butts and Guts. I will do that tomorrow morning. I am also getting Muscle Max.

Everyone have a wonderful evening.

---Kimberly C
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

Hi Kim,
We haven't been good company, we'll get it together soon I hope. I've been in a little funk. Haven't been at work for a couple of days, wasn't feeling well. Ok, enough of the sob story. I'm trying to overcome it.

I love Leslie's walk and kick. She's going to have a 5-mile walk? Wow, that should be interesting. I soooo want KPC on dvd. I soooo don't want to pay $45 for it. I also want supersets too. I bought legs and glutes on vhs too. I just bought an elliptical and a new laptop(merry christmas to me)so more cathe purchases will have to wait.

If you guys have equipment such as elliptical, bike, treadmill-I read of a new product on videofitness called itrain. It's like cardio coach. I'm only going by the groups word cause I've never used cardio coach. It's like a trainer/music motivator. Anyway, you can go to and download free 20-minute workouts. You have to register to access the downloads. They will email your password to you.

Guess I should get some shut-eye to attempt to get up to workout in the am.

Later ladies.
RE: Cathe Beginner/intermediate: 11/27 - 12/3 Check - I...

I'm afriad all I managed today was a lot of walking at the mall (got some great deals) and a 10 minute swim. Still, I feel like I got some low level "recovery day" type exercise. Tomorrow I will hit the cardio and abs HARD.

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