Cathe Bands


I haven't used my cathe bands in a while and I know that 3 bands came in the set. Pink, Yellow, and I can't find the 3rd one. I don't remember what color it was. Also does anyone know which color is what resistance?? thanks.
Thank you so much;) going crazy looking for the blue one can't find it anywhere. Even though I probably won't be using that one but it's that thing in me which needs everything to be in its place! LOL Thanks again
I always use my green. I thought pink was the weakest. Now I'm questioning myself. I think pink is the weakest. It's kind of a Barbi color. No offense to anyone. I'm wearing a pink shirt today. Just sayin"
Its a "daily deal" today. Desertambrosia is lightest, green- medium and blue- hardest. Its a 3 pack so you get them all!
Karen, I think you are right about the bands. I always use the green which I believe is medium, pink is light and blue is heavy. I never go to the blue one, since my green one is tough as nails. Even the green dynabands is tough. Cathe must have a super stretchy one, she always get them high up in shoulder presses, LOL! I can't get mine up, they wouldn't stretch that high:eek:

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