Cathe,Any idea for the next project!??


hi cathe,

i hope to one day be able to attend the road trip to meet you and everyone here! ppl that work with dh wonder why i don't have jewlery,a millions shoes,etc(things they are into) he just replies "b/c she wants more cathe dvds" LOL. not the typical wife around this neighborhood.

i was wondering what project you had in store after 4 day split? i know you mentioned quite a few ideas awhile back, and i was very interested in the 3-day split myself.

plus would you ever consdier a workout that is very much like your boot camp from 4-day split? i love drill max,but this bootcamp looks like more fun with your new drills. that pics on the blog alone are enough to convince me that a straight bootcamp cardio drill workout would be a[font color="red"size="+2"]HOT[/font]seller!!!

thanks for all you do!!!


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

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