cathe = 46 and very frustrated!


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I posted a similar message to you a couple of months ago. I cannot lose the weight I gained in my mid-section since giving birth to my 4th child almost 4 years ago.
I have recently, about 3 weeks now, drastically changed my eating habits, and I have not dropped any weight. My pants are still tight around my waist. I eat a very low fat diet, (I am following a weight watcher's diet), I've reduced my sugar intake, and eliminated all snacking after dinner. I do pilates, weight training videos, cardio, and alot of ab work. I know my abs and obliques are strong, but I cannot burn off the layer of fat on my abs and waist. I am a size 11/12 and always was 9/10.
Everyone says I look GREAT for having 4 kids and being my age, but I'm not satisfied. I would like to be the size I was before my 4th child.
Am I being unrealistic or is there any hope for a thinner waist.
I have actually gotten to the point of burn-out with no results.
Thanks for listening.:)
I had a similar experience with WW. (I'm 43.) It just wasn't enough calories to keep up with my workouts, and my body went into starvation mode. I had good luck with a program called, which uses food as a metabolism builder (imagine that!) and then calorie staggering to keep your metabolism burning hot. You might check out their website and see if you're interested. If not, you could still learn a lot about building your metabolism by downloading their e-book (free).

I am 43 and had great success with Weight Watchers. I lost 30 pounds last year and have kept it off. I found that the trick with WW is to eats LOTS of vegetables -that's why they are ZERO points for the most part. Three weeks is not very long to be on a new eating plan - give it a little time and you will begin to see the weight come off. I lost about 1-2 pounds a week, and it took me from June until November to hit my goal. About halfway through, I just STOPPED losing weight for about three weeks. I just kept up with the program and after a few weeks I started losing again and hit my goal. Doing lots of exercise - mostly Cathe! - helped, but I discovered that food was what really made the difference for me. So don't give up!!!! Good luck!!!!
It's great to hear from the 40somethings that are doing Cathe!! I'm 46 too!

I've recently started taking progesterone and I've gained 4 lbs and can't get rid of them. I've noticed that when I hit 45, I couldn't drop 4 or 5 lbs in a week or two anymore. It's also more difficult to lose as you get closer to your goal weight.

I've noticed I had to watch the number of carbs I eat. No white bread, no sugar (candy, ice cream & cookies). I don't believe in lo carb diets (not enough energy for Cathe workouts!!), but I noticed sodium intake and sugar aren't my friends. So I need to avoid eating restaurant food (wine, high salty/sodium dishes, dessert). Reduce take out. Eat more vegetables, Asparagus, parsley, and canteloupe all help me get rid of the bloat.

If I were you, I'd check and see how much protein you're eating and see if you could use a little more, and eliminate some bread!! Reduce or eliminate alcohol, salty chips, crackers, nuts that are salted, popcorn that's salted, and pretzels are deadly. Plan your meals ahead of time - that really helps.

When I gained the 4 lbs I added a pedometer to my belt and have started walking in the evening. Running would be even better!! Make sure you're weight training 3 times a week with heavy enough weights so that you can't do the last 2 to 3 reps in Cathe's videos!! Cathe's core work in the Intensity series is fabulous for your ab training. Do cardio at least 3 or 4 times a week, make one workout an interval workout. Make pilates something you do in addition to cardio.

AND BE HONEST. If everyone says you look great, believe them!! I also am so much more motivated if I have a vacation, important meeting, social gathering, or other event to work toward. Personally, visiting relatives I haven't seen in a while works too!
Buy a new pair of pants when you see improvement. I'm always motivated to look good in them! I also like to reward myself with new exercise clothes! It helps me want to work out in them!

Finally, take a good look at all the other people you see. Not very many are fit! Pat yourself on the back for your hard work, and throw away your scale. I'm convinced mine is wrong!! I go by how my pants fit, and what I realized is that they are now fitting better than they were a year ago when I was 4 lbs lighter!

Best wishes!!!
I agree 100% with everythin dlaudy just said. I'm 49 and gained a few lbs about 7 years ago. It's hell trying to get it off anymore. I'm taking LD birth control pills but I don't blame the hormones I'm taking, I think it's just part of the aging process.

If I'm really strict, like eating the South Beach Diet way, which is pretty much the diet she described, I can lose a few lbs but in order to keep it off, I have to continue to be strict. I've always had to watch my diet, but nothing like now. I don't weight anymore either, my clothes tell me what I need to know.

But like she said, pat yourself on the back. Not many people take the time to take care of themselves the way you are trying to do.
I found Pamela Peeke, MDs book "Fight Fat After 40" enlightening and encouraging. No, I haven't applied any of the principles of her advice yet but I did pull it out yesterday and plan to follow it.

I'm 46 and in the same boat as everyone else! Check out the book, you might find it enlightening as well!

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