Cathe-2 sets on S&H as good as 3 sets?


I just got Slow & Heavy and I'm pretty pumped about trying this brand new way of lifting for me. I'm a Firm style weight trainer because of my short attention span for weight training. But I know I need to shake things up. I just could never do the PS series or workouts in gyms faithfully because I simply get bored. But I like the slow and heavy lifting to a video in my own home BUT I was really reaching the max of my patience with my first go at Tri's and Bi's. Especially on the 3rd sets of the biceps.

I've read on VF that many devoted S&H users do 2 sets instead of 3 sets. Do you think I will sacrifice results if I do 3 workouts a week as suggested but only do 2 sets when I reach that "I'm so bored I could scream" point in my workout?

If this has been discussed previously could someone link me up. I apologize but my search abilities are really bad.
Hello Ellen! Some of the previous posters have done it just this way and I don't see any reason why you can't. Just as long as your lifting heavy enough to be a challenge this should be okay. Happy lifting! Kathy
When I have this problem I just do one bodypart per day, that way it's over quickly. The bicep work is harder to take as all the exercises are similar, so it seems forever before it's over. I am always so happy when my rotation has ended with this one, but I know it's doing a lot of good so I hang in there for three weeks.
I think Chest is the worst one of the S&Hs for boring! Lawdy! Anyway, I don't think 2 sets is as good as 3, but I certainly think you can do a lot with 2 sets, probably go heavier. I also often just do one body part after a cardio or something so it doesn't take so long.
lawdy! is right for chest, I forgot about that one. When I get to my S&H rotation I only do shoulders, bicep and Triceps. I always do Pure Strength or MIS the same week and that is good enough for me. Yesterday (Sunday) I managed to do shoulders early in the morning and then early evening I did triceps and biceps. Since I got all 3 into one day I will actually work upper body two more times this week so I will actually get chest and back in twice, I'm just not that interested in those particular areas. I want my shoulders to look great so those are the areas that I focus all my attention on.

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