Carole or Kathryn,? on legs.

I will be doing LG and PS floorlegs every day and wondering if not using weights will I be wasting my time? Right now weights can't be done so can I see results?

Thanks for your help,

I'm not Carole or Kathryn, but I DO have experience with results doing leg work with no weights. Let's face it, who has better looking legs than ballet dancers, and they don't use weights! There's something to all those plies that they do!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hi, Kim!
Are you doing this because of injury? And you can't use ankle weights?
I think you can maintain for a while at least with unweighted floor work. It's not as efficient as standing work (where each exercise can hit many muscle groups at once), so I wouldn't expect huge changes. But depending on what workouts you choose, you could have different results. If you do a workout that usually uses weights and has low reps, I would think you'd not have as good results as using a workout that is specifically meant to be used with no weights (and usually more reps).

I don't think you'll be wasting your time. The alternative would be to do no leg work, right? So anything is better than nothing.
Thanks Honeybunch and Kathryn, you haven't given me some great advice. I guess it is better than nothing right now until I can do otherwise.


Kim I agree with Kathryn...anything is better than nothing. It will at least keep your legs limber and flexible and gain some strength until you can put more weight on your foot...:)
Let me suggest that when you are doing floor work alternative to ankle weights (which I am assuming are causing you pain right now) you could put a dumbbell on your leg and use that for added resistance. For instance on side lying exercises...hold the dumbbell on your thigh. I do this even when using ankle weights just to add more resistance.

Yet another option would be when you are doing leg presses while on all a dumbbell behind your knee of the working leg and as you are pressing the leg up you have the added resistance of the dumbbell. I find placing a folded up dishtowel between your leg and the dumbbell helps to keep it in place. These are old Firm methods from the 80's but they work.

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