CardioKicks vs. I-Max?


Hello, all you Cathe-steppers! Now that I've gotten the five-tape "2001: A Cathe Odyssey", I am seriously considering adding yet another Cathe cardio workout to the mix.

How does CardioKicks compare in intensity, both in terms of cardiovascular intensity AND leg "burn", to my beloved Interval Max? In all honesty, all other step and hi/lo tapes feel easy (intensity-wise, if not choreographically-wise) after mastering I-Max and doing that 2X per week since October. Not that I'm expecting anything up at I-Max level, but I don't want to snore either.

Any input would be appreciated!

Thanks -

Hi Annette,

Cardio Kicks was my first Cathe tape and it in no way compares to I-max. If you're doing I-max 2x per week, Cardio Kicks will be a walk in the park, IMO. It is fun, especially if you're having a down day and want an easier tape.
Hi there Aquajock!
For me Cardio Kicks is much less intense than I-Max. From what I have read on this forum and elsewhere, kickboxing is the type of workout that either really gets your heart pounding, or you just can't get a really good sweat from it. For me, it is the latter. Don't get me wrong, I love Cardio Kicks. It is a tape I use to add variety from just step, and for when I need or want a low intensity day. There are some drills at the end of CK that do get me pumping but not nearly to the same level as I-Max. Also, I think CK is a well thought-out workout with good cueing and it's fun. I hope this helps!
P.S. You need some space to do CK--Cathe & crew travel quite a bit.
I agree totally with the above posts. Cardio Kicks is a great kickboxing tape, and I wouldn't be afraid to do it 3x a week. Excellent cueing and form. Imax on the other hand scares me. I have to do that on a Saturday, when I have plenty of time to rest afterwards. I am completely impressed Annette that you can tackle that 2 times a week. :-wow :-wow Amy Jo
RE: Thank you all!

THANKS TO ALL for your candid input! I do think I'll pass at this time on CK - I've never been that interested in kickboxing to begin with, but I thought I'd check out others' informed opinions.

Yeah, I-Max has me by the privates - once I got used to doing that one, and got through all the intervals with no modifications, everything else felt easy!

RE: Thank you all!

Question: Is I-Max all step? or does it incorporate hi-lo as well? I've just started doing the CTX series and I throw in StepFit on the weekend, but maybe IMAX would be a better addition. Thanks for any input. Kathleen
RE: I-Max Impact

Hi, Kathleen - yes, I-Max has some very hi-impact segments to it as well as some power step intervals. Vertical jumps in place, plyo jacks and plyo lunges, airborne jacks and high tuck jumps - you'll want to be extremely careful if you have any joint issues - but by golly it WORKS!

RE: Cardio Kicks

Boy you ladies must be wonder women because Cardio Kicks kicks my butt every time! I force myself to do IMAX once a week and have noticed that over the past few months it has gotten easier even though I still want to collapse by the end of interval 10. :-wow But CK is by far one of my favorite Cathe's because it is so tough. I wear 2 lb. hand irons throughout the workout except during the drills. I can only dream of the day that I would consider CK "a walk in the park".

BTW Aquajock, have you tried Circuit Max? I know most people don't care for this one but I love it! :7 I think it ranks right up there with IMAX (maybe slightly less intense) but you get strength training in and even though they're lighter weights... I still get sore the next day. But honestly now... I doubt there's a Cathe tape I don't love. (post whooping that is...just teasing you Cathe ;-))

Anyway... that's just my opinion, take it or leave it. Heehee. I love to say that!
Circuit Max

If you do Circuit Max, you will also get a feel for Cathe's kickboxing style since she has 2 kickboxing sections - one on the floor and one on the step.
I agree with everyone - Cardio Kicks is fun, but it doesn't wipe me out. Cathe tapes that kick my butt are MIC and Bodymax. Circuit Max is definitely tough as well!
Cardio Kicks kicks my butt, so to speak! More so than Interval Max. But... both are awesome and are so different that rotating the two has resulted in a great increase in endurance levels for me.

Cardio Kicks is such fun and Cathe's innovative cueing and the energy of the cast and the music must make this one workout I always look forward to doing. I love the kicks in at the first of the second part of the workout.

Then there is Interval Max. The soundtrack is awesome and Cathe is just wonderful -- her genuis at choreography and cueing to the soundtrack just amaze me! And that 10th Interval just sends me over the top.

I honestly can't pick a favorite of the two -- it depends on a person's preference -- do you like more classic step/athletic moves or more kickbox/athletic moves.

Both are super workouts for sure!
I really admire all you ladies who can do IMAX & enjoy it!
This is how I feel even THINKING about doing it: :-tired
I do love the soundtrack! ;-)

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