

New Member
Hey everyone! I'm new to the forum..I've only being doing Cathe videos for a few months but LOVE them..both weights and cardio.
I saw a list on another post rating the different workouts as far as intensity goes. I didn't see Cardiofusion listed. I have this video and I think its pretty hard personally! Interested to see how you guys would rate the difficulty on this one!! I guess on a scale of 1-10 like the other post.
Hi and welcome to the forums. Cardio Fusion is a mix of Low Impact Circuit, Body Max 2 and Drill Max. Low Impact Circuit is the least intense of the three. If you look on the chart for these three workouts, you can figure out the intensity. I would probably rate it as 8.5-9.

Hi. Would you say that Cardio Fusion is an interval style workout like the Imax series? I'm doing the 4DS rotation and want to add some interval workouts and haven't used it yet.
It's not true interval style like the IMAXes but I think it includes the blasts from BM2.

It also has the cardio blasts from Drill Max (including the squat-thrusts with tuck jumps after the running blast in #6) that drain out every last ounce of energy and drop of sweat you still have in you.

I love CardioFusion. With any workout, what you put into it is what you get out of it. I see some very lazy steppers/workers in classes I teach (Sloppy arm movements, slouchy shoulders, no full range of motion in movement both on an off the step) who complain class wasn't hard enough. I can't think of one Cathe workout that I can't make work for ME, because I never slack off in intensity and range of motion.

So.. when I do CardioFusion, I rate it a 10 for intensity. It wipes me out!
CardioFusion is a great workout! This like others said - can be as hard as you make it. For me-I'm sweating and breathing like crazy!
I agree - its about a 10 - :)

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