Cardio Workouts with Weighted Gloves


Had an interesting workout this a.m. Short on time, so I did a premix from the Low Max DVD (step combos only). To make things interesting, I used 2 lb weighted gloves (I usually use 1 lb for Cathe's Kick Max). Has anyone else ever tried this? I tried hard not to do any swinging of my arms and do Bicep curls or bent arm raises and really got a pretty good workout.

I've always longed for Cathe to do a cardio workout with light upper weights. I used to do the Reebok Step video this way, years ago. The arm movements were so basic that it was easy to add 3lb. weights, and carrying the extra weight really increases your cardio intensity! I don't do step very often anymore, since I've gotten into running, but I would like to get some light handweights and try them out, perhaps with Low Max, at some point.

I'm glad someone else finally brought up this idea!
This sounds like a great idea! Sorry to ask a question instead of giving an answer - but I'd like to try this. Where did you get 1 lb weighted gloves from?

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
I've not tried traditional step with weighted gloves, nor would I due to the possibility of shoulder injury, but I am copying a post I put up here a couple of years ago, in which you use a med ball or other easily-grasped weight (weight plate or dumbbell) during the Low Max intensity blasts. Here goes, and have fun!

Hi, Gang! I tried this this past Sunday and it really worked!

When doing Low Max, either as produced or the Blast Only premix, grab your med ball, or a dumbbell between 5 and 8 pounds, and perform the blasts holding the ball or dumbbell in both hands. Keep your step height up so that your legs continue to be challenged. Talk about a leg burn, as well as keeping your cardio totally elevated!

For the uninitiated, here are the blasts broken down and suggested hand / arm placement or movements:

Blast 1: grounded sumo squats with static arms; simply hold the med ball / weight up near your torso as Cathe holds her hands together

Blast #2: Lunge kicks in varying tempos on the step; hold the med ball / weight up near your torso (Cathe extends her arms out somewhat; this might be a little taxing on the shoulders and compromise balance if you're holding a weighted object)

Blast #3: Step-up with long-lever leg abduction plus Sculpt-15; extend ball / weight overhead on the up-phase during the step-up / leg abduction phase and hold weight close to torso during the Sculpt-15 phase

Blast #4: Slam-Its and Alternating Single Step-Ups with Leg Abductions; hold ball / weight close to torso during Slam-Its and extend arms overhead during the up-phase of each step-up

Blast #5: Uneven push-ups off side of step plus grounded leg sweeps on/off step with torso twists plus uneven slow squats and explosions up; hold weight close to torso during the faster uneven push-ups and during torso twists (boy does this work the core), and drop weight below pelvic level on the squat phase and extend arms overhead on up phase during the slow-squat / explosion-up phase

Blast #6: Low-impact Speed Skates on floor plus side- and rear lunges on step; hold weight close to torso on speed-skate phase; hold weight close to torso OR gently perform biceps curls during side- and rear lunge phases

Blast #7: get rid of the weight and perform as produced.

Ann, I found a boxed set of 1 lb. weighted gloves and 1 lb. ankle weights at TJ Maxx recently (probably around Christmas time). The entire set was only $19.99, and they are really pretty, trimmed in pink, too! :)

I like them particularly well, even better than my Turbo Jam weighted gloves, since on the TJ Maxx pair, the weight is in the palm of my hand, rather than on the backside. They are exceptionally easy to put on, as well, and for me, they are more comfortable and cooler (ie. less "hot") than the TJ gloves, which always make me sweat! x(

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