Cardio workouts with speed drills?


Greetings, sportsfans:

Of course, as I'm contemplating the recent addition of FORTY-ONE NEW DVDS to my ever burgeoning collection, what can I be thinking about but MORE DVDS?!

I'm starting to really enjoy speed drills within the context of a cardio workout (such as Drill Max's football runs, 4DS-BC's suicides and football runs into push-ups, the KPC fast run and boxer's flurry, the "fast feet" and "straddle taps"on the step,, and some of Mindy Mylrea's stuff).

Can anyone suggest any other workouts (am totally open on producer) that have this kind of fast footwork?


You could always consult the speed and agility sections of websites like where they have boxes in varying heights you can jump onto, off, up and down, etc, and agility ladders where you can hop in and out of the spaces, jump back and forwards across them, etc...... could give you some ideas about incorporating drills into your own personal mish mosh. Any book on plyometrics (I was looking through 3 such books at Borders the other day) will also have tons more ideas for you to incorporate.

The non-treadmill cardio in Barry's Boot Camp Academy series (his original Bootcamp) sounds right up your alley! It's OOP, but you can buy it from Amazon re-sellers or yayas. (It might be price-y though)

The cardio portions are 20 min long and can be puke-in-a-bucket intense. Plenty of high intensity moves. Even Barry's Full Body workout (30 min, all bodyweight exercises) is very demanding, cardio-wise.

All body Attack by Sharon Twombly has fast drills in it and its a fun and really good workout.


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