Cardio & Weights V Circuit Max


The first (and only) time I did circuit max, I just couldn't keep up and by the time the first weight section came up I was too tired to lift up any weights at all. I am wondering how Cardio & weights compares and if it a little easier to do?

Ha! It's a lot easier to do. I think Cardio and Weights is about the easiest Cathe tape I've seen, but it's really fun, and certainly not a waste of time. I use it on days when I'm tired or just can't face anything grueling.
CircuitMax is one of the toughest cardio tapes in my opinion. I think it's as tough as IMax, or maybe a tiny bit easier.
I agree! Cardio & Weights is much more "doable" IMO. It is still fun (the cardio is all step) and you can make the strength portions harder by upping the weights. I love this tape and do it much more often than CM. It is a great workout!
Cardio & Weights is Circuit Max's kinder, gentler baby sister.

It's great for Day 6 of a 6-day workout week, when your OOOMPH!! has left the building.

Good, simple cardio - love the Buttercup song. Nice weight work.

Oh hun, THERE IS NO CAMPARISON, C&W is a cakewalk compared to CM. I have to CM in two parts as in Monday and Wednesday }( . But C&W I eat that for lunch, actually make that a snack ;-)

Thanks for all of your replies. Looks like tonight will be Cardio & Weights night. It's also boys night out so I get alot of time to learn the routine,rewind the tape or pause it if I get too worn out!


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