Cardio vs Weights


Cathe, just a quick question regarding cardio vs. weights. I know that both are important to an overall fitness routine, but if you had to do one more than the other in a week which would give you the most benefits? I really want to tone up, I am getting there, but was wondering if it would benefit by upping the weights on more days and decreasing the cardio, which I usually do 5-6 times a week. Just interested in your input. Thanks, Pam:D
Hi Pam! You already answered your own question when you stated that you wanted to tone up more. So up the weight training & decrease the cardio. Kathy (Sorry Cathe for butting in)
Heaven knows I'm no Cathe! But this is what Cedie said about getting in shape for the Intensity series:

"I saw greater results by lifting more and doing less cardio."

Be interesting to see what Cathe says.
I'm also not Cathe but I can tell you the responses everyone else has given you is going to be what Cathe would respond. You cannot get muscle tone by doing cardio. Look at long distance runners. Unless they are doing weight training in addition to their running, they have virtually no muscle tone. Reason? Cardio does not build muscle.

If your time is limited, strength training is going to do more for your muscle tone than cardio.

Good gobbledy gook, I sound like a broken record!

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