cardio or weights for weight loss


Hi everyone! I need your help...I want to lose the last couple of stubborn vanity pounds but can't seem to. I eat pretty clean, most of the time anyway. I don't expect to be cut and ripped, but I have a patch of fat on my thighs that won't go away. In your experience, did more cardio do the trick, or more weights? And, how often did you do either one. I am stumped and am looking for some direction. Thank you for your help everyone! Pam
I would tend to say that cardio would be the answer...then once you get that last little bit of weight off, use the weights to tone it all up!:)

Not to say that you shouldn't weight train right now...coz you should...I think I would focus more on the cardio though if you are trying to lose a few more pounds....

As far as how often? Can't say...I can't even answer that one for myself! I have been basing my rotations on either cardio or weights so whatever type of work out my rotation is based on is what I do more often but I have no set formula for it. I'm not that good! lol:p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Weight training has a lot of afterburn, meaning you'll keep burning calories after your workout. From the info I read in Oxygen, I believe this past issue, it's the better route.

I do both myself.

Both, plus good eating. Challenging weights, some cardio, AND a LOT of carefully planned clean eating.

Pam, I have patches (notice the plural}( ) of fat on my thighs that won't go away and probably never will. But they are smaller now. I've been hitting the weights hard, which gives me time to do only 2-3 cardio sessions a week, but I think that's enough for me. And I still have been seeing results. Slow in coming, but they're there. I believe what one eats, aside from how one trains, is crucial.

Also, what worked for my thighs is one heavy weight standing leg session twice a month or once every two weeks only. The rest of the time I alternate endurance work, floor work and kickboxing. There are yoga poses in some of my workouts that are great for my legs. I don't feel them during the workout but the day after, a nice, vague, warm soreness.


Hi Pam,

Sometimes fat won't come off an area no matter how clean the diet and no matter how much you work out.

This is controversial and by no means for everybody, but I had liposuction surgery in October and between the surgery (finally all the swelling has subsided) and bumping my workouts up by appx. 50-60% and eating in moderation, I now can see my pelvic bones for the first time -- EVER in my life.

I am 50 years old and I bought a new skirt last night. I had to buy a Size 1. Before the lipo, I was a size 4 to 6. My surgeon said my thighs and hips were great, but my belly bulge really bothered me.

I have photos of me before and after the lipo, but since they were taken of me nude, I don't want to post them even though you can't see my face. I do keep them on my fridge to remind me of how far I've come.

When you see yourself day to day, you sometimes don't see how much your body changes with lipo, but those 3 month follow up photos were amazing! And I look even more sculpted now!

Lipo on its own is not a magic pill, but it helped me tremendously when it came to my abs. I did not need a tummy tuck or any other surgery, just 7 incisions of lipo.

I am not suggesting liposuction is for everybody, just relating my experience. I made the decision slowly and got all the information I could get before committing to the surgery (which is virtually painless if done under general anesthesia like mine).

One other thing too: I think we sometimes are too hard on ourselves. Women especially tend to have a distorted image and instead of focusing on their best attributes tend to focus on what they seem to think are their problem areas.

And I hope I don't get flamed over my lipo comments -- as I said, Lipo is not for everybody and it is tremendously expensive.

There are dangers associated with any cosmetic procedure.
RE: Liposuction

I don't know jack about lipo but I sure did not know people who are already a size 4 would need it. ??? was this a choice of your's or was your health at risk for you size?
RE: Liposuction


Get into Photo-shop and put a bikini on those before and after pics. I'd love to see the difference the lipo made for you. :D

And I bet you look stunning in your new skirt, too!!
RE: Liposuction

There's a lot of truth in Amy's words, and I support her personal decision to do what felt right for her.

Some areas of stubborn fat on legs, butt and hips will never come off, because our gender makes it cling to us out of biological necessity! Our bodies have no idea that we do not intend to have any more children, and no, famine is not going to be an issue!

All you can do is do your weights, going as heavy as you can, and yes, there will be a nice afterburn of calories for a lot longer than with pure cardio, and also do your cardio, at least 4 sessions per week, and then accept your body for the way it is. There is huge power and peace in self acceptance.

Meanwhile, while you and I are both working on the "self-acceptance" philosophy, the old adage is, "you can't expect to see new and different results from the same old tired workouts." Different results will never come from doing the same actions, no matter whether this applies to fitness or any other area of life. What I would do is get happy and experiment with your cardio! Have some fun! If you always do the same type, now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and do something different. It will challenge your body and also your mind, which of course, is also good for your brain, memory retention and warding off Alzheimers!!! Change will keep you young.

There are three things to change and play around with in order to see different results, but try them one or two at a time to prevent excesss stress to the body, injury and over-training. These 3 things are:


For example, if Step is your fave, then make sure you include intervals once per week to shake things up, but also to increase the intensity of your training. Actualy, any cardio routine can be adapted to incliude intervals.

Or, if you typically train for cardio for 30 minutes, now is the time to up that duration to 45 minutes.

Alternatively, you mix in some kickbox, hi-lo, hiking, power-walking, running, playing sports at the gym and park with friends, fencing or a martial arts class at your local sports club, in order to bring more vaariety to your fitnesss rotations. If you use muscles in different ways, then you will see greaater and better results.

When you train sensibly, with gradual and progressive challenges and with joy, you will be the best you that you can be and then you must accept yourself just as you are. There's nothing wrong with you the way you are right now anyway. Most of us are so hard on ourselves and most men prefer women with curves rather than stick figures with nothng to cuddle and no body warmth.

Clare :)

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