Cardio Kicks


How does it compare to Kickmax or KPC (I only have the fit tv version of KPC)
I saw a small clip of it but I could not tell if it is as challenging.
Also is there a way to get KPC without the legs and glutes ( i forget what that one is called) I have STS and do not need any leg workouts.
Cardio Kicks is a lot of fun. It is not as "kickbox-y" as KPC or Kickmax but it has a really nice punching drill at the end (about 15 minutes worth). It is somewhat similar to the 4 Day Split kickbox workout. I don't reach for it as often as KPC, which is my favorite, but I did it today and really enjoyed myself. As far as I know, you can't buy KPC by iself.
Cardio Kicks is less kick-boxy in that it has much more hi-lo in it and takes up a lot of space. It also has more drill-type stuff which is at the end. Different kinds of blocks which I really feel in my core which is good because this one doesn't have a core workout which KPC does.

I do both often (because it's all the cardio that DH will do with me!).

Cardio Kicks requires a lot more floor space than KPC. I think the hard part of Cardio Kicks is the first half; the second half is easier. (Opposite of KPC). Cardio Kicks is shorter and doesn't have any ab work. KPC has premixes that give you choices of how you want to do the workout (and how much you want to do). I don't know if this is true of Cardio Kicks, but I don't think so.

I like them both, but wish DH would branch out and learn a few more kickboxing videos. I'm tired of doing the same two over and over!

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