Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it just me?



I have been trying to like this workout but I have done it enough over the last two weeks that I am very familiar with it. This workout doesn't even make me break a sweat, I am so disappointed. It just does nothing for me. I laugh when Cathe says the sweat is really flying around has to be due to the studio lighting that they are sweating because the workout is not intense at all.

I work up more of a sweat power walking than I've managed to achieve doing Cardio this workout too light for anyone else here? I am especially surprised that it rated a 7 for intensity when the Imax's rate a 9.
I love this work out - though KPC is certainly my favorite kick box.

Lots of folks like this work out. If you want lots of jumping maybe you'd prefer KM.
Ummm, WOW, can't imagine it being easier than power walking!! Nah, gotta say it is still hard for me!

R U sure you've got the whole kickboxing form down? You get out of it what you put in as far as intensity of punches and kicks.

Surely, IMAX is hard for you, right? Ok, Bootcamp?? HA!
hard to believe you are not breaking a sweat. Are you really punching hard? Doing your kicks as hard and as high as you can? Doing the drills section without pausing for breaks?

Hard to believe also that you can get your heart rate higher power walking than you can with Cardio kicks. As a fellow power walker I just don't believe this is possible.


Edited to add:

sorry if I sound rude here, I do not mean to offend. I can't get the words out today to say what I really mean without offending people. Having a sh***y week. I meant it to sound more like Janice's post. Polite questioning, not a grilling. Apologies.
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

Actually I just got this workout and the first time I tried it I had a sore ankle from running the previous day so I couldn't do the high impact portion. But I did use 1.5lb weighted gloves and I was definitely sweating...can't wait to try it again...[/img]..Carole
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

Not that I don't sweat during this workout, but it is the easiest of her kickbox workouts for me with KPC being the hardest, followed by KickMax then CTX and then this. I don't use weighted gloves and perhaps these would kick it up a notch.
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

I think you're right about weighted gloves. Even using regular boxing gloves always kicks my kickboxing workouts up a notch. Maybe it's psychological but I seem to work harder with the gloves on (maybe I think I'm in a ring):D BTW, I found brand new pair of boxing gloves at a garage sale last weekend for $10. What a find!
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

Cardio Kicks and Power Hour were my first Cathe workouts and I'll never forget how much I sweat the first time I did CK! LOL...I still love this workout and it still makes me sweat! (Love Power Hour too...just did it again after a lonnng time and forgot how great it is!) :)
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

As I have gotten in better shape, I notice this one becoming easier, but by no means "easy". I also can't imagine not breaking a sweat. I am throwing punches and kicking like there really is an opponent, and I think I get a great workout. Especially the seqential power kicks and punches.....I get my face all screwed up and squinty I am punching so hard! :7
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

That is the only part of the workout that even gets my heart rate moving is the power drills towards the end.
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

Just had to chime in here - I love some of these older workouts. I did Power Hour this morning after not doing it for months - I love the music and my arms are still shaking! ( I am actually planning to do Cardio Kicks tomorrow) I remember the first time I did Cardio Kicks, my arms and shoulders were so sore the next day! I am excited to revisit this one.

RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

I agree with many of the above about loving Cardio Kicks. I get so very sore for the 2 days following this workout that I'd swear I'd done an upper body weight workout! I also throw 110% into the punches and knee smashes and kicks, etc.

I've done KPC and Kick Max. I have to say that the only part of Kick Max that gets my heart rate up is the interval blast section. I only did KPC once before and when I realized I liked Cardio Kicks MORE, I stuck with it. I am, however, planning KPC for tomorrow morning, thanks to this post, just to try it out again!

i like this tape better than kpc or km. its more fun,more cardio-shuffles,jacks,power hops,jumping-and i still get a a sweat after doing it. i even turn my air conditioner way down and turn on the fan.i have used this tape for many years.

I guess I'm in the minority here but I agree w/you--I did this workout twice & gave it away b/c it just did not have the level of intensity I wanted.
I guess that would mean you are one very very fit lady. You must really be proud of that :)

Despite all my running and the tough workouts I do, I can't honestly say that I find CK easy. Easier then a year ago, true, but not easy at all.

Dutchie :)
RE: Cardio Kicks too light of a workout? Or is it jus...

Just curious, what is weighted glove? How much difference between kickboxing gloves and regular weight glove?


with kick box, I'd say it takes at least a few work outs before you can really give it your all. I generally find the first few times through a kickbox workout isn't as tough but once you get it down - that's another story!

Agree on KM just gets my heart up with the blasts but it's too much jumping for my personal taste
It's definitely not her most intense, but I find it fun and do a good weight workout with it. For some reason I can't get enough of Cathe's floor cardio. I don't know why, but I find it the most fun that is on the market. There is no dread factor. RS has a big dread factor for me so I rarely ever do it, but CK I do often. I wish she would make an all floor cardio workout, but I know most would raise a fuss over that.

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