Cardio kicks questions


Hi, I'm trying to decide whether to buy cardio kicks. Can anyone tell me:
1. Why is the warm up is so long (13 mins)?
2. How long is the actual kickboxing?
3. What are power drills?
4. Is there an abs section?
5. Is it an intense cardio workout?
6. Can it be broken down (the total time is 60 mins)?

Thanks in advance!
Hi, unfortunately I can only answer a few of your questions, mostly b/c it's been awhile since I've done Cardio Kicks so some aspects of the workout are not fresh in my mind. First off, I consider this to be one of Cathe's more intense workouts which is probably why it contains such a thorough warm-up. There is no ab section. The actual kickboxing is interspersed with some hi/lo moves so it's hard to say how long the actual kickboxing is. Power drills are a series of arm drills, and I believe Cardio Kicks may also contain leg drills. Anyway, the arm drills are a series of punches including jabs, hooks and upper cuts. I think you could possibly leave out the drill section which is at the end of the workout and lasts maybe 15 minutes at least, but I dont think Cardio Kicks is really suitable to be broken down into two separate workouts. Some people will add the drills onto another shorter cardio workout. You may want to check out for a more complete review and breakdown of this tape.

:) Stacy
Thanks Stacey, that's really useful. So, would you consider this an interval-type workout, with the heart rate going high at times, and lower at times?
The warmup is long, but actually gets pretty intense - it will really get your heartrate up which is good because this is an intense workout. She spends time in the warmup introducing moves that will be used throughout the workout.

The power drills are high intensity bursts one right after another - jumping front kicks, jabs, hooks, uppercuts, ice breakers, roundhouse kicks a more - each followed by a BRIEF low intensity recovery period. Again, I say these recoveries are BRIEF! But I love this workout - it is a lot of hard work and fun. :)

I'd like to add that I LOVE this workout! It is really fun, aerobically challenging yet easy to follow. You can't miss with this one!
Well, I bought the DVD, and I can't wait! I really just wanted Cardio Kicks, but the DVD comes with Circuit Max. (Not sure if/how Circuit max will fit in, as I am concentrating on heavy weights at the moment.)

1. Why is the warm up is so long (13 mins)?

The warm up is part of the workout (like a lot of Cathe's warm-up's, LOL). It's basically a lower-impact version of what's to come. It's a very thorough warm up and a strong start to this workout. So don't you worry. Your heart rate will rise with the warm up.

2. How long is the actual kickboxing?

The 'kickboxing' aerobic section is 24 minutes. It's really a hi/lo aerobic routine with tons of kickboxing moves and intensity thrown in. It is very intense, and the intensity builds and builds, it gets tougher and tougher.

3. What are power drills?

The 'power drills' section is about 15 minutes of solid punches and punch combos and kicks. The difference from the aerobic section is they are straight drills, you are performing repetitive movements for a series of kicks or punches. In between sets, there is a very brief breather. This portion is very fun, and also very intense.

4. Is there an abs section?

There is no dedicated floor ab section, but you do get a fair amount of ab work in during the power drills (the ice-breaker move requires a lot of abdominal strength).

5. Is it an intense cardio workout?


6. Can it be broken down (the total time is 60 mins)?

Yes, in my opinion, it can be broken up, although I wouldn't do one of the sections as a complete workout. I will tack on a section of this workout as an add-on to another workout. For instance, some of t he ways I use this tape:

-I use the 'warm-up' as an additional warm-up to doing the entire Circuit Max workout.

-I use the 'power drills' section as additional work after doing CTX Kickbox or CTX 10-10-10 cardio sections.

I hope this helps you in your decision. Although the DVD is not as well-chaptered as Cathe's other DVD's, I still think that DVD is worth it, as the warm-up, main cardio section, power drills and cool down are each chaptered, so it is easy to use these sections as an add-on to another workout. I also think this workout is a cardio killer, also is so motivating, fun to do and challenging.
Let me try to answer a few questions. Anybody correct me if you see this differently.

1. I don't know why the warm up is long, but it does get megoing just fine
2. From the beginning warm up to the intensity power drills is about 30-35 minltes.
3.The power drills are a series of kicks and punches that seem to be interval like. They are high intensity with a very brief recovery in between.
4.No there is nt an ab section. However abs are wroked during the workout if done with proper form and effort.
5. Yes this is an intense cardio workout, but not as intense as MIC for example.
6. Yes it can be broken down. The workout can be stopped before intensity power drills, although I prefer to do it in its entirety especially enjoying the stretching at the end.
Today, I wanted a long intense (nonstep) workout. First I did cardio kicks, but before the stretching segment, I hopped on my semirecumbent bike and did 15" of intervals and a 3" cool down. Then afterwards I did the stretching segment.
Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)

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