cardio kicks-new to cathe!!


Active Member
okay, i just did cardio kicks was my very first cathe video and i just got it today. i really enjoyed it and am planning on getting more of her videos, but can somebody tell me which videos are more advanced. i'd like to know how cardio kicks compares to her other videos. while i liked it and thought it was fun, i was able to get through the whole video without doing any modifications (once or twice i missed a step, but was able to get right back into it immediately) and although i was winded, i didn't feel like dying after i was done. as soon as i got to the stretch, i kind of felt like i had done a light workout-i was not in any way feeling like i do after i do an interval run or even a long slow run. however, this is one of the best cardio videos i own, i think it may be just even with super cardio from the firm level-wise. what would be recommended for a good, pure cardio from cathe? i like to alternate cardio and sculpting days (i often do the cardio+scultping on sculpting days, but i like to mix pure cardio in between). i do run a few times a week and think that's the best workout i get, but, i HATE it! i ran track and played soccer throughout college and i'm so sick of running! i'd like to find a good cardio video to mix in on my running days so i don't have to run as often. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. don't get me wrong, i LOVED cathe, i thought her motivation was awsome and i loved her instruction and fun moves. i just want to know of a more advanced cardio. actually, any good strenth videos would be good too, although i'm not as advanced in the strenth department-currently i do all firm strength videos and i've heard they are much easier than cathe strength vids? thanks!! hope everyone is having a great week! feebs!
Hi Feebs, I just did CK today for the first time too!! I had it for 2 monthes, well anyway to answer your question, I think Imax 2 or Imax 1 and MIC is tough, but with these you do need a long gym step.
hey thanks for the input. are those videos strictly cardio? also, where can i get one of those full-size gym steps? i've checked on and ebay, but so far have not had any luck. i've also looked in walmart, but haven't seen one! also, i was looking through cathe's catalog and notice some of her workouts require a mini step and a 10-17" stool. will a regular step work for the mini step and will the firm's fanny lifter work for the stool? also, is a step the same thing as a step bench? i've seen both needed for her videos. sorry, i'm pretty clueless when it comes to some of this equipment!! thanks again! feebs
I got my step at Sports Authority. Yes The Imax and MIC is strictly cardio. The Imax is interval, where you do step then a interval blast which really gets your heart rate up. MIC is where you do cardio on floor then go right to step. Good luck.:) The regular step will not work for the mini step, I use my wood foot stool. You can use a chair if you want. Alot of people do that.

P.S. Check around Cathe's website also to find a full size step. I think she has some links.
I too would have to say Imax or Imax 2. Imax 2 is her most recent interval workout and has really great music! It is a ton of fun and has 10 intervals consisting of step, blast, and recovery! Have fun!

Then you need Imax, Imax 2, MIC, Step Works, Boot Camp, Circuit Max, all of these are the real sweat factories in Cathe's workout collection and they will challenge you, rest assured!

For strength start with her MIS, ( Maximum Intensity Strength), it is an excellent video to train the whole body, you can go as light or as heavy as you want, it'll keep you challenged for a long time as you work on increasing your work load. You can split the training into lower/upper body days to complement your running schedule too.


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