Cardio Kicks a hit with my parents



Just wanted to drop a line that I was so impressed with Cardio Kicks as being safe, effective,challeging, all while EASY TO MODIFY, I brought it with me on vacation to share with my parents. They are both in their fifties and currently struggling with weight (who isn't), although they are physically active. My mom was very discouraged when I loaned her "that other popular KB tape" because it was simply too fast for her to modify and still feel like she was staying with the group. Other kick boxing tapes were so remedial they were tedious for her after a week. At first she was reticent ("I know about all those nuclear crazy workouts you do") but I cajoled her into at least giving it a try....Both of them enjoyed this so much I am going to order a copy and send off to them post-haste! They loved it and didn't feel like throwing a tennis shoe at the TV before it was done. (Although my Dad did say something about being reminded of his boot camp days towards the end of the cardio section) :7

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