Cardio Hits vs. The I-Maxes


Not that my birthday isn't coming up anytime soon, but . . .

For those who have both, how would you compare the intensity levels between the step workouts on the Cardio Hits DVD vs. my beloved I-maxes (I have all three, and would rank Interval Max the toughest, I-Max 3 next-toughest, and I-max 2 third intensity-wise).

I love high intensity and plyo moves, and I'm always reminded how challenging Cathe's earlier workouts were when I pop in the Body Max power circuit segment.

Any opinions?

Hi A-Jock,

Cardio Hits has three terrific steady-state cardios that range in intensity. Step Fit is the easiest (kind of an early version of Rhythmic Step), Power Max is fun and contains more power moves throughout, and Step Works is the most intense, and most highly choreographed. Step Works is very much like a longer version of the step portion of BodyMax: similar moves and tempo. As far as Cathe's steady state cardios are concerned, Step Works and Power Max rate up there with her most intense. But none of the workouts offer much in the way of intensity blasts, relative to the IMAXs or the BM power circuit segment.

I know that you have a multi-disk player, and are very creative in mixing segments of workouts. I think that you could get a great workout by doing various combos from all of these workouts, with a couple of intervals from one of the IMAXs or BM power circuits inserted in between.

Hope this helps,

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