cardio haters unite August 27th


I am so sore. I did S&H yesterday and added ten pounds to lunges to make 60 lbs. My legs were shaking yesterday when I started to go up with those lunges. I really felt it. And I do not like DOMS. I work out regularly so that I won't have to have DOMS. I think I am going to do slow and heavy twice per week now with the heavier weight. I guess I am more out of shape than I thought. And don't say that 60 is alot. I put my 30 lbs weight vest on and held 15 lbs dumbells and I am not a small woman, I am six feet tall so I can hold more (if this is the case). Why the heck does anyone like DOMS?

Today is cardio, what a thrill, I am so sore that I am not going to do the planned Imax 2, I think I will stick with LowMax or something easier. That is if I can lift my leg.

Jana, that is really miserable about you knee. I hope you can do something about it. I am thinking of you. Yikes.

Hope you got enough sleep, Diane. Your life sounds so busy and exhausting. Well, you got to make up for it in being really cute. NOT FAIR.

What is this cardio coach of which you speak Michele? And where is Dana, what ever happened to Charlotte and Kylie and I hope August is going good. And and and and and and

Time to work out, if I can get out this chair!

Kate, :eek: :eek: :eek: . There is NO WAY I could do lunges with 60#'s, but I have done them wearing a 40# weighted vest. I would think LowMax would be hard to do if your legs are sore. LowMax kills my legs!--Here's a link to the Cardio Coach website.

You can play clips of the different audio workouts. I only have the first one but I plan to buy all of them. I think there are a total of 7 audio workouts.

I have DOMS everywhere but in my face--lol! I'm planning a steady state elliptical w/o today. I might put in a Cathe DVD to watch while I'm ellipticising:D

Hi everybody else!! I'm signing off for now. I need coffee and brekkie--NOW:*
Kate - I know that you don't want me to say it, but Wow, that is a lot of weight. Of course you are sore!

Michele - Have fun on your threesome today, or are you just sneaking off alone with Eli (my name for you elliptical) without your hunky trainer?

I didn't work out yesterday! I am so horrible. I started to workout and I am seriously so out of shape that I felt horrible, like I was going to pass out. I may just go for a walk to day and do lunges and push ups. I don't know where to even start to get back in shape.
Diane!! I love it!! Oh yes, I have a hot date with Eli--lol! That is sooo funny.

Now, for where you should start. How about doing Low Impact Step and the the Total Body Sculpting DVD? It's easy, sure, but it's a good place to start for a week or two, just until you're back in the groove. I also think lunges and push-ups are good. Just do a little at a time. You should've seen me trying to do ME yesterday. There was NO WAY I could do every rep of every exercise. I couldn't even finish the abs, or use weights for the leg presses and lunges! I realize this may not sound like a big deal, but I used to be able to bench press 90#'s. Oh!, how the mighty have fallen;( . Just start where you are and keep going. Don't worry about it or let it get you down. Life happens. You're extraordinarily busy and you can't do much about your schedule right now. Do the best you can and allow yourself to feel good about it. ;) :*

I have to figure out a way to make it easier to do weight training. I love it but hardly ever do it because I absolutely hate having to drag everything out and then put it all away again. I can only do resistance workouts in my family room because it's the only area big enough to accommodate all the equipment. For instyance, yesterday I did ME so I needed a high step with 6 risers, a barbell, assorted dumbells, and a medicine ball. I store the high step, dumbells, and medicine ball upstairs, the barbell behind the couch, and the plates in a box in my foyer closet. I have no place downstairs to store all this crap and I hate running around the house trying to gather it all up and then put it all away--UGH! In fact, my barbell and plates are STILL all over the family room.
Michele - Thanks for the suggestions on how to start. I don't have those dvds, but do have a few intermediate cardio ones that I can use. I also have enjoyed walking.

Today I didn't feel like working out so I decided to just walk to the stores I needed to go instead of drive. I went to Walgreens and picked up some make up and to Barnes and Noble to browse the books. I bought 5 Factor Fitness if y'all have heard of that. 5 week eating and exercise plan. You only have to workout 5 days and week for 25 min (more if you want to add more cardio) and you eat 5 meals a day. The eat plan looks really good (low glycemic index, lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits and veggies) so I am excited to get some new ideas. I will start following it next week, since I already went to the grocery store for the whole week yesterday. I just need something to get me motivated.
Diane, I never heard of that book so I looked it up on Amazon. It has excellent reviews from most people so I think it's a great way for you to get back into it. I would really recommend LIS and TBS too, because they're fairly easy and relatively short for days when you're pressed for time, or you want something lighter, but you still want a Cathe w/o.

I may go to a book store and leaf through that book.
Michele - I just finished reading the book (very short). I really like the eating plan, gave me some good ideas for snacks and such. It is not a far stretch from what I follow now, but I should be more strick about it. The workout plan is very simple and I think I will get bored of it quicky, but it is a good place for me to start getting back in shape. You do only two exercises and one core move a day, and 10 minutes of cardio (5 for warmup and 5 min (or more) after strength training). The same exercises are used through out the entire program, but reps and weight varied each week. Goes from really high rep (25 per set) to low rep (10). I think it sounds like a good plan, but I would want to change up the exercises if I stayed on it long term. But I am planning on going back to Cathe after doing this 5 week thing, as I am doing this mainly to get back into shape. I am planning on taking pictures and measurements and stuff before so I can see if it really works and give me motivation to follow through. But not starting until next week because I want to start the diet and exercise portion at the same time. So I will do my usual diet and do some walking, lunges and pushups until then.
Oh forgot to add that the diet includes a cheat day, where you can eat whatever you want in whatever amount you want. That should be fun, since I never really do that for an entire day, usually just randomly throughout the week for specific meals.
Oh my gosh, just saw the blog update with pictures from Body Max. I love the outfits, and everyone looks so great. I can't wait! Hopefully I will be able to do them by the time I get them!

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