Cardio Guerilla~fatblaster~


Hello fitness buffs! I was writing a reply to my treadmill post and I incorporated a new workout that is short but intense! I copy and pasted it below. If your looking for that extra umph to shed the pounds this is for you~or just to have variety~use your imagination~

If you are unfamiliar with cardio guerilla it is a 12min intense cardio burst that helps attack even more stubborn abdominal fat!I discovered this exact method from Muscle media back in Oct! Here goes the workout for on the treadmill--it can also be used for~stationary bike~swimming~sprinting~jump rope~etc~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort! So wrapping it up you warm up for 4 mins -sprint for 20 secs and then rest for 10 secs and repeat that for 4 mins and then cool down for 4 mins! I sweat like crazy, give it a try and let me know how you like it--we should pass this on!Your friend in fitness Francine
Hi Robin! I noticed that I have more definition to my muscles.Not to mention knowing that its only 12 minutes I really kick up the intensity and push myself!Intensity and "focus" will get you great results with this training! Also if you do it in the morning before you eat(it's like doing 40 mins of cardio in reality-and then eat an hr after you have worked out) you will really be blasting the stored fat!I also did my weight training after my cardio guerilla!I,personally,was sculpting better muscles this way! Good luck and let me know if you want any ideas for a rotation with this circuit! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Francine! Sorry for butting in here but would you mind giving me the circuit? I'd love to try it. I'll be getting a stationary bike for DH for Father's Day and I would be able to do the sprinting on the bike. Thanks a lot, Kathy
Hi Kathy! I don't know what kind of exercise equipment that you have so I'm gonna wing it here and give you a circuit including dumbells! Do a "4 Min warm up" (stretching all your leg muscles, then arms, some waist twists and neck rolls)jump on the bike do "12 cardio guerilla~Minutes 1-4 warm up @50%of perceived maximum effort MINUTE 5 sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs~sprint for 20 secs~rest for 10 secs MINUTE 6(same) sprint 20-rest 10 sprint 20 rest 10 MINUTE 7(same )MINUTE 8 (same) MINUTES 9-12 Cool down @50% of perceived maximum effort.Now grab dumbells for upperbody work-no breaks(one flowing motion) 1 set of 20 pushups,(to warm the chest up) now 2 sets of 16 for the following~ chest flys,chest presses,lat rows,upright rows,front raises,shoulder press,tricep kickback,bicep curl,hammer curl,concentrated curl,tricep extension now lower body--2 sets of 16 ~squats,plies,stationary lunges,step ups,squat with outter thigh lift(or side kick),squat then do a front quad extension(or front kick,squat and do a hamstring curl(or back kick),dead lifts and then calf raises! Now ab work standing do 1 set of 20(then boost to 30 later)ab twists(twisting the torso),side bends-weights optional,Now floor work~basic crunch,reverse crunch,bicycle maneuver with a twist crunch,lower leg lifts with shoulders off floor for contraction, now pull it together and lift your legs in the air and twist side to side,finish with frog crunches(your heels touching each other and legs open with a basic crunch!Roll over and stretch it out and do a 5 min cool down!This should be an hr workout! If you want any more ideas, I'd be happy to get a routine for you! I just need to know what kind of equipment you have and tapes! It'll be easier for me to give you a circuit game plan! Give this a shot and let me know what you think!You can email me @[email protected] if you have any questions! Take care! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Greetings Francine,
I saw this yesterday. I thought, well gee, that doesn't sound very hard if one is running (jumping rope is a whole different consideration though) But GEEZ, it is MUCH tougher than it appears!

Well, I tried it this morning (outside.) Not very scientifically, though. My watch battery died and my walkman's batteries died too!! I started with stretching, then a really fast "honeybunch" style walk for 10 minutes then the 12 minute guerilla then another 3 minute race-walk.

Is this all the cardio you are doing?

Oh, and I was sweatin' like crazy.
Thanks so much for that info.My husbands boss was here a few weeks back and he is into fitness like crazy and he told me that him and his girlfriend were going to go for their run(which they never did)but it was only for 12 minutes and it would amost want to back you throw up.He never did tell me how to do it but I think that this is what he is talking about.I know what I am going to be trying when I got off of work tonight...thanks
Hi Joy! I've been doing this blast for over 6 months--I've been experimenting ever since!I started this out on a upperbody/lowerbody split with the blast before each workout done on different days 2xs a week then the other 2 days I did powerstrike and pilates!Then It was off to the CTX series and I did the blast on the short workout days added after the cardio section~ then I did it on my bike, then with the jump rope,then sprinting or running in place with high knees up-then I got my treadmill and incorporated it with that~ As you can see I like to improvise alot and try new things!Right now I'm on a rotation doing SUN_MIS~MON_CardioKicks~TUES_Powerhour~WED_Bodymax entirely with no weights and I fastforward the upperbody section and ride my bike for 5mins then finish the rest of the workout~THURS_My own killer weight circuit day doing total body !~then on Fri its Powerstrike!That's the exact order I'm doing now!So it depends on what rotation that I set up to see how long my cardio days are~ you never know with me~ I like to spice it up now and then~As for the cardio guerilla-it's the intensity and determination that'll make the sweat come pouring out! Some days I don't have it so I'm a lil drier but other days I kick butt knowing I can get through the short workout!It all depends on how you feel that day! Keep at it!It's a fat blaster!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Lori! Let me know how it works out for you!I love this forum so we all get a chance to try new ideas and challenges!This is just a lil something to attack the fat in a limited amount of time~ It's better (they say @ M&F)if you can do it in the morning on an empty stomach~to get that metabolism roaring~but whatever time you do it will still be effective! Good luck! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Hi Francine! Thanks so very much for this great routine and taking the time out of your busy schedule to email me. I'll definitely try it once I get the stationary bike. Sorry that I didn't tell you about the equipment that I have. I have a 6' long barbell w/weights that can go up 50#. Also have dumbbells ranging from 5-40#; 2 medicine balls 3# & 6#; 15# bodybar; an E-Z curl bar 10#; an incline weight bench; step; 10# weight belt. I think that just about does it!! LOL I'll email you if I'd like you to come up with something different for me. Again thanks. I really appreciate it. Best, Kathy
I saw this program in a special issue of Muscle Media (Strength Training Guide) that I picked up the other day. I tried it this morning and all I can say is "WOW, is it tough!" Twelve minutes didn't seem like alot until I actually did it. :) I'm going to try doing it as a bonus cardio in the evenings for a few weeks and see if it helps me get rid of some of this flab.
reply to Lori and JOY

This workout concept is more for interval training,variety and helps shake things up a bit! You can add it on after a workout~ ex 10-10-10 then 12(GC) or any other cardio program that you have that will extend the time on your cardio days! maybe you have a half hr tape that you haven't popped in for a while-this will be an added bonus! If you want to do it alone, up your Minutes and do your sprints longer! But never have a rest period that is over half of the sprint! here goes an example-Joy didn't get sweaty from her try, so I would recommend doing either of the two below if the exact program does not work for you!(14 mins)
4 min warm up
30 sec sprint 10 sec recovery
do this 9xs total
4 min cool down (maybe throw in some walking lunges for a 2 min)
Next idea of upping the sprint
4 min warm up
45 sec sprint 20 sec recovery
do this 5 xs total
sprint for 30 secs(give it your all-last one)15 sec recover
4 min cool down( this is when my sweat kicks in after all the intensity) So as you can see you can modify this to accomadate your own personal goals! I wish you all luck
RE: reply to Lori and JOY

Thanks SO much for taking the time to share all of this info! You have kickstarted my soon as I saw the phrase stubborn abdominal fat, you had me! LOL
Can't wait to try it,

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