Cardio Fusion if haven't done BM2


Do you think I can pick up the routine in Cardio Fusion if I haven't done BM2? I am challenged when it comes to choreography so I haven't bought BM2 yet but I did get Cardio Fusion as it sounds super fun and challenging and lots of cardio, which is what I need.

Hi Jen,

Hmmm.... it depends how challenged you are. I don't have trouble with Cathe's choreography. But, I had a few missed steps with the bonus cardio section of BM2 the first couple of times that I did it. I don't think BM2's choreography is hard to pick up when using the main workout.

I suggest that you view the workout before using it the first time through. The bonus cardio seems to move quickly since the choreography has already been taught in previous sections. Don't get frustrated, give it time.

Good luck,
Cathe goes through the final routines without any preparation in Cardio Fusion so I would suggest if you want to do Cardio Fusion, you preview it first. The choreography is not very complex but I think it would help to preview it at least once so this way you can hopefully do it without rewinding when actually doing the workout.
Thanks both of you very much! I just need more patience and take the time to preview the workouts with more challenging choreography. I know if I took the time to learn it, I could no problem it's just taking the time that I have a hard time doing. I want to work out at my best everyday & I feel when doing a new workout that I have to focus on choreography more than anything I feel like I cheated myself and didn't get a good workout. I will have to take the time here soon to learn this as I know it'll be an AWESOME cardio workout for me. Today it was Drill Max, tomorrow it is Powerstrike 2, first time doing it also but I've heard it's pretty easy to pick up... monday doing B&G, so maybe I'll attempt Cardio Fusion on Tuesday & if I get too frustrated I'll end with the cardio premix from KPC!

Thanks again!
Hey Jen,

Even if you have trouble with the Bm2 section, you could skip forward (until you learn it) and still get a good workout. Don't forget about the premixes.

I know exactly what you mean about wasting time trying to learn a workout. Most of us already have a hard time putting 1-2 hours aside each day to work out. Then when you have to take time learning the routines, it's even worse. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to decide you're going to try a new workout one day and then spending half the time rewinding it to get the steps down. This, in my opinion is such a waste of time. In one of Cathe's videos, she explains the harder steps first. I THINK it's step works, but i could be wrong. It's the one with the power mambos. Goodness - it would be SOOOOOO helpful if she would add a chapter to each DVD to explain the choreography!! That would make a TREMENDOUS difference, save a lot of time and avoid many rewinds! Imagine practicing the hard choreography and getting the hardest steps down first and THEN running through the workout. I will suggest it to her b/c I think she can't go wrong with this one. Since all her DVD's are done already, perhaps she'll put something together (like an instructional DVD) explaining ALL of her hard choreography, the turns, the hops across the step, which leg to lead with, which direction to turn, how to add intensity........... A DVD like this would sell like crazy. I know I'd buy it, and it would add to the flow of doing ALL her workouts for this first time.

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