Cardio Coach


OK, after the raving reviews I received about this dude, I downloaded one of his workouts so I could play it on my iPod while using the detested Nordic Track. My knee was really screaming "no high impact for a couple days!" after last night's tae kwon do class.'s my opinion....DEFINITELY better than watching my favorite Star Trek movie while doing the Nordic. That machine is a very tough workout, and I would have to say, the Cardio Coach guy made it much more bearable. Especially when I was just deciding I might stop and he said, "this is where the average person might decide that's enough. But that's why they look average" or something along those lines. So, of course, I said. "I'm not average!!!!" and I stuck with the last 10 minutes. What else did he say that I really liked??? something about needing to push yourself to make a change...

Anyway, yes, it was very motivational. Thanks for the suggestion. My knee feels very happy for it.
>>Especially when I was just deciding I might stop and he said, "this is where the average person might decide that's enough. But that's why they look average" or something along those lines. So, of course, I said. "I'm not average!!!!" and I stuck with the last 10 minutes.

This made me smile like mad:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :D

This is EXACTLY why I LOVE Cardio Coach.
Exactly why I love Cardio Coach! The motivation pushes you beyond what you thought you were capable of. It's amazing. I love it and have all the volumes. I can't say enough good things about it. I am in much better shape then I ever was because of Cardio Coach. And Cathe of course!! :)

Yup - Cardio Coach is awesome! We have a little joke over on the Hardcores check-in when we do them. We'll do one and then say something like "I think THAT one is my favorite one" and then when we do another one we say the same about it. We just love them all! :) It's amazing how much they push you.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Can you buy just one CD or do you have to become a member? I've been on their website but I am still confused. Thanks.

Joanne, membership isn't required at all, in fact, I don't think they have a membership program other than a forum.

You're welcome to buy just one. I started out with one download to see if I would like it. At the time I didn't have an iPod so I ran the program off my computer with Microsoft Media Player. Eventually I ordered all of the workouts on CD, and then I finally got an iPod. I kind of wish I'd gotten the iPod first but at least I have the CD's for back up.

You can listen to clips on his website. I'm not sure I could pick just one -- I love them all.
Oh my gosh that line about the average person totally kept me in!!!
I just did my first one about a week ago ( had to take a week off for a dif) but I did cc4 on my spin bike and it was awesome!
I am so used to visual workouts that I didnt think I would make it through a cd! He is very good and I did the whole workout.
His website runs specials where you buy 2 get one free and I purchased them that way on cd's. Cant wait to try 5 and 6!

take care!
Cardio Coach definitely makes a boring cardio machine a lot of fun. I never work so hard on the bike or elliptical as I do when I'm using Cardio Coach. Cardio Coach is a lifesaver, especially when my Plantar Faciitis is acting up.

>"this is where the average person might decide that's enough. But >that's why they look average"

That is my favorite line!

I *heart* Coach Sean...:*
Oh, my absolute favorite CC is Choose Living. I get done with that one and I'm ready to tackle the world. I love the others as well, but I find myself selecting that one, even when I cannot complete the entire thing, just because it's so inspirational.
Christine, me too! I've done the Choose Living workout 5 or 6 times now. I've been in a bit of a slump lately -- I did that workout yesterday and it was the BEST medicine! This is the key to Cardio Coach -- the motivation, and with Choose Living -- the inspiration.
I am soooo with you here! The Choose Living workout is amazing!! Sometimes I just listen to it without doing the workout just because I love it so much and I find it so inspirational. Isn't the last challenge (from the unreleased Volume 7) the best!! The music, the message, who wouldn't come away from that feeling like they could conquer the world.

Anyone on the fence about Cardio Coach - treat yourself to an amazing experience that will advance your cardio fitness ten-fold!!

I see they have several volumes. Which would you say is the top 3? Also, I looked on Ebay but couldn't find them. Thanks for all of your help.

I don't have the Choose Living volume yet (must buy, maybe today!), but I have all the others, so my top 3 would be volumes 4, 5, and 6, in no particular order.
It's hard to pick my top three but here they are in no particular order:

Choose Living/Press Play
Volume 4
Volume 6 Candace
Volume 6 Sean

Okay - that's four I know, but I HAD too! :)

I love my cardio coach. I was having a problem with pain in my upper foot so I was off of cc for a few weeks. Went to the sporting goods store and got some arch support for my shoes. worked like a charm and I soooo happy to be able to do cc without pain.
I love, love, love my Cardio Coach. I have all of the versions and Version 6 with Candace and Press Play are my current favorites. :7 I cannot wait until version 7 is released.

I cannot even imagine cardio without Sean anymore. I'd probably die of boredom.
Just did Press Play/Choose Living workout

I just did the Choose Living workout this morning for the first time. WOW...awesome workout and VERY inspirational! I actually felt like I was getting a little choked up (but that could have been from the lack of oxygen after challenge #1 :+ ).

I love the way they arranged the various challenges. It was just right. Anyone know when Volume #7 is coming out?

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