Cardio Coach Q



I've been lurking and noticed several of you use Cardio Coach. I also saw a thread on Itrain. I was hoping you could recommend the best podcast for me to start with.

I'm hoping to lose 20 lbs and to shape up my thighs. I eat clean, and workout with Firm, Cathe and Tracie Long videos.

The treadmill I would use it with is cumbersome to change the incline and it's not very quick to manage. I noticed where some adapt this with walking lunges but I'm not sure how safe that would be on the treadmill.

I'm also new to running but I've worked out with weights for over 20 years so consider myself an intermediate level of fitness.



hello, I just recently discovered Itrain myself and have now completed the workouts 2x and loved it! these workouts will leave you sweating buckets in just 30 minutes. I started out with itread 21. it only has 3 sprints and for starting out its just right. I have read that many people prefer itrain over cardio coach so that is why I tried them first. I already have 5 workouts but have only done #21. I plan on eventually incorporating the others that I have. If you do a search, you will find all kinds of info on both CC and Itrain. goodluck!

I love both CC and iTread. I prefer CC. To me, CC has more drama (the music has been composed specifically for each workout so it builds up to a crescendo for the high intensity bursts and then relaxes to a more soothing pace when you have to be in steady state or recovery. It feels like the background score of your own personal movie urging you on for the intense bits. You get a countdown before each challenging burst and a similar countdown when the burst comes to an end. Sean has a fabulous coaching style and a super voice. The production values are very slick). iTrain has a library of catchy in-house songs of various styles - pop, hip-hop, rock. Each song is about 5 minutes. They recycle songs across their workouts, which I personally enjoy. I like seeing how the same song is used differently in differnt workouts and I now know some of the lyrics by heart. I even sing along in my head. Grace's coaching is very different form Sean 0- and I like her a lot too. I could never do without my iTreads with Grace, but Sean is my favorite.

Another big difference is, in Cardio Coach there are no specific speed/incline reccomendations. Sean has developed a easy to use and very effective 4 level rating (you can find it at the site) for various levels of intensity and you have to pick the speed/incline that will get you there. Each time you do a CC workout you can keep track of distance and calories burned and it is very motivating to see those improve as you do the workout successive times.

In iTreads, Grace provides specific incline and speed guideline for three levels of intensity - walking, jogging and running.

I suggest trying one CC and a shorter (20, 30 or 40 minute iTread) and seeing what works best for you.

My favorite CC is vol 4 for the music. It has three challenges. You can do just the first 2 if the level is too advanced, and forward to the cool down. As you get more fit, you can do the whole thing through. I think it is a good place to start if you are intermediate.

The first three CC volumes are less intense, and of them my favorite is Vol 2 revised.

~* Vrinda *~
Laura, Vrinda,

Thank you both for your suggestions. I haven't looked at ITrains site but I will and I plan on taking your suggestions and downloading both IT volumne 21 & CC 4. It will give me more vareity along with the opportunity to choose my own favorite.

Thanks so much,

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