cardio coach 7


Hi everyone,

Just wanted to know about cc7, have cc8 and love it but thinking of getting cc7...for treadmill, how do they compare. Also thinking of getting itread 13 and 19 30 min...have not tried itread yet, there also seems to be a new one, itread 32...anyone try it?


I must say that CCV7 is my favorite CC. V8 is great too but somehow I love V7 more.

It is different from v8 as its not so many hills but I find myself gaining more mileage with this one and I find myself smiling. As one would expect from a CC run you are guaranteed to finish on an endorphin high following Sean.

I'm not good for reviews on specifics but I use CC on my TM and with v7 you will not be disappointed.
CC5 and CC7 are my favs with CC8 a close 2nd.

iTreads are good for a change of pace and Grace does push me in a different way than Coach Sean. I've done 13 and 19 -30 min and those are among my favorite iTreads. I did 9 - 60 min for the 1st time last week and it was great one too. I even set a PR for distance in 60 min with it which was amazing since I didn't really feel like exercising/running but once I got going I couldn't stop.
Hi Aggie. Of course I'm going to tell you that you HAVE to have V7.

I have all the CC's, including 8. And although I love them all, V7 has my all-time fave challenge: 10 intervals alternating 1 minute sprints and 1 minute hills. It's totally different than V8. I mish-mosh this with the third challenge from V8 all the time.
Cardio Coach

I don't have Vol. 8 - yet. However, volume 7 is my favorite closely followed by volume 5.

Of course you have to get volume 7. Sorry for being an enabler :p:rolleyes:
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I don't have them all yet, just 3,4, and 6. I think I may have to get 3 more...Any ideas???
I don't have them all yet, just 3,4, and 6. I think I may have to get 3 more...Any ideas???

Conni, I think V5, V7, and V8 are a must. He still has the buy 5 and 2 will be free deal going on, so if I were you I'd order the rest of them. With this deal you can buy V5, V7, & V8, and get V1 & 2 for free!! :D
volumes 6-8 are all great, but #5 is my favorite. Seriously, I don't think you could go wrong with any of cardio coach.

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