Cardio and Weights


Should I buy this one next? I need some opinions... I want a tough workout; I tend to be bulkier on my lower body, so I need something that will really work my upper body also so that I appear more balanced. I'd appreciate the input!
What Cathe workouts do you already have? I find Cardio and Weights to be one of the easier Cathe circuit workouts, but it is a lot fof fun, and the weight portion for the upper body is good.

Calee, I have cardio & weights and the only thing I don't like about it is I wish the upper body workout was a little more intense. However, Muscle Endurance comes on the same DVD and the upper body portion is tough. You could always do Cardio and Weights and then do just the upper body portion of ME.

I also have Pyramid Upper Body and it's tough as well.

Just my .02!!!!

Calee, I stand corrected. Cardio & Weight and Muscle Endurance are not on the same DVD. Sorry, I just finished Imax 2 and I haven't quite recovered yet!

C&W is coupled w/IM#2 on the DVD. Although C&W is an easier Cathe workout, I find that if I bump my step up to 8" and use the heaviest weights that I can, C&W ends up being a tough, effective workout that burns a lot of calories.

ETA: The ab section is one of my favorites...the music is devine!
Hi Cathe Friends,

Thanks for the input on cardio and weights; is there another DVD out there that has a good cardio and upper body in the same workout? Is there such a thing?
I love Cardio and Weights. Tammy is right, when you use an 8 inch step it is definitley challenging. I love the variety and the time flies on this one.

On the Terminator DVD, you can do the Gauntlet which is a mix of one IMAX 2 interval, one Boot Camp lower body, one Cardio & Weights compound weights, one Boot Camp upper body and one Boot Camp cardio. This pattern is repeated seven more times. It is a grueling workout but probably my favorite circuit workout.

Yes, I think the Terminator workouts are a lot harder than Cardio and Weights, and all three are circuit workouts. The only thing I do not like about the Terminator DVD is there is no ab work.

For other circuit workouts, I personally do Boot Camp and High Step Challenge more than Cardio and Weights because I think they are both harder. Bootcamp does not have a lot of Cardio in it, but it is intense and I love how my core feels afterwards. If you use the weights Cathe suggests in Bootcamp, the weight portion is great, too. Most of the High Step Challenge cardio is not intense, but the last few cycles are pretty tough, and the weight work is thorough, and it's a newer workout and a lot of fun. My absolute favorite circuit workouts are probably on the Hardcore Extreme DVD--that DVD has 3 compilations of workouts from the Hardcore series, and they are super tough! I love all three of them.

Finally, there is circuit max. I don't use it a lot (it's older, and although the cardio is real good I don't think the weight portion is as hard as some of the other workouts mentioned above)--that being said, it is a favorite with a lot of people on this forum.

Good luck making your decision!!!


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