Cardio and Weights


I posted this comment on the DVD school thread, but since I didn't get a reply yet, I thought I'd start a new topic. Hope that's okay.

I've had considerable trouble with the Cardio and Weights workout. It gets "stuck" several times in the middle of the workout, and I have to FF to get to a spot that works. This is the third disc I've had, from Collage Video, and I am getting very frustrated! I've tried two different players and nothing helps. I did just clean it this morning, and will try it again tonight to see if that helps. Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
I also have trouble with this DVD getting stuck. It never worked from the start and I just didn't get around to returning it. I would pop it in the DVD player every few weeks, and now it works! It's the only one out of 20 Cathe DVDs that has had problems, except for Circuit Max. I followed the suggestions in the forum about cleaning the disc and it seems to have worked.
Yeah, I cleaned the disc the other day and put it in yesterday to see if it helped, and it did. So I hope that will remain the case and the next time I use it, it'll play right. I'm glad to know I am not the only one who had problems with the disc.
I've been having similar problems with some of my DVD's and what I discovered was my DVD player was what needed cleaning, not necessarily the disk. We got one of those cleaning discs from Target and everything's been working fine since. It actually says on the cleaning disc that the player needs to be cleaned after 10 hours of use...our poor player hadn't been cleaned AT ALL, and we've had it for at least a year...oops :( . We probably easily use ours 10 hours in a week!! So make sure you are cleaning the DVD player itself too.

I can't seem to find the cleaning disc I had, so I guess I will have to buy another one. I did do Cardio & Weights again on Thursday, and had the same problems as before. Except this time the "stuck" points and "frozen" spots were in different areas of the workout. Very frustrating. I have at least 12 other exercise DVDs and none of them do this. And to top it off, Imax 2 plays just fine and it's on the same disc! I will try cleaning the player once I get a new disc, and also try another player yet again. Wish me luck.

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