Cardio and Weights...need a suggestion


I did C&W for the first time yesterday. Wow, those moves are tough! But it felt really great.

Since you work every muscle with that workout, should the next day be absolutely NO weights? I don't think I was lifting my heaviest because it was a new workout for me and I was getting down the moves. Also, because of the faster pace I didn't "heavy up".

I am trying to create a rotation and would like some input on how to fit this in with other weighted workouts. Thanks!!;)
Hi, Im not Cathe, but if you didn't lift your heaviest you can do weights the next day because then you can consider this more of cardio day. Some days I use this as A weight day and cardio day but lift heavier but If I want to do this as a cardio then I lighten up on the weights. Just remember to listen to your body:).

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