cardio after weights


This question has probably been asked several times... Is it okay to to do cardio after weights? I'm guessing it's probably not a good idea for me to run my normal 4-6 miles right after GSL or B&G, but is it okay after something like GSCT or Slow and Heavy? Or what about MM or ME?

Thanks. :)
I prefer doing cardio after weights. I learned that either way, your body will burn off carbs before it starts burning fat. You need the carbs for weight training, it gives you the energy. Your weight training will burn right through your carbs, then when its time for will be in fat-burning mode. If you do cardio 1st, I have read that it will take you about 20 mins before you start burning fat (because you have to burn the carbs 1st). So it makes a lot more sense to do your weight training, then cardio. Hope this helps.

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