Carb intake


Hello Cathe,

How seriously are you watching carb intake? I would appreciate if you would tell us how your diet is like every day.
Well I'm not Cathe, but I've been doing low carb for almost two years, lost about 30 lbs. Started w/less than 20 grams a day & stuck w/that for about 2-3 months, lost 30 lbs. From there on I do >100 grams a day to maintain.
rather than low carb... eating good carbs is a healthier choice! (i.e. whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole wheat tortillas and bread products)

most of the low carb foods available are still enriched white flour or have added sugar to make them taste good... whole foods are better! yum!
My carb intake is high, 50-60% of my daily calories. As Desertbriez recommends, I eat very complex carbs. My favorite brown rice has 5 grams of fiber per serving and I found a cereal at Wild Oats with 15 grams per 100 calorie serving. My favorite whole grain pasta has 5 grams of fiber as well. I think the amount of fiber is key. I also look for little or no added sugar, less than 5 grams per serving. In additon to fiber, whole carbs yield a fair amount of protein, usually with little fat. So do vegetables. The longer I have eaten very complex carbs, the less tempting refined carbs become.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Hi Bobbi,
Would you mind sharing the name brands of your favorite high fiber brown rice, pasta, and cereal? I really hear you on your high fiber eating philosophy. I too eat a whole foods/complex carb. diet...really don't have to "count" carbs and just recently lost 30lbs. doing so. Honestly, I don't know how anyone doing even 30mins. of a Cathe workout could fuel themselves on 20 carbs a day! I don't know that I would have two brain cells to rub together!!

Thanks~Deb D.
Hi, Deb. Thirty pounds! That's wonderful! I am a major carbhead and can't think of any circumstance under which I would be willing to give them up. Refined carbs are certainly troublemakers but there's a wealth of beautiful complex carbs out there for enjoying! The rice I mentioned is Trader Joe's California Aromatic Brown rice. Trader Joe's is expanding and you may find one depending upon where you live. The cereal is called Simply Fiber and I got it at Wild Oats, the local health food chain. The pasta I purchased at Safeway. It's Hodgson Mill, organic whole wheat with milled flax seed. It is widely avaiable here at regular grocery stores so if yours doesn't stock it they most likely can upon request. It actually has 6 grams of fiber and it cooks really well. The texture is very similar to white semolina but nutritionally, it is superior! :) I also like quinoa pasta. Quinoa is one of the grains which provides complete prtein so if you like vegetarian eating, it's wonderful. I've tried spelt too. It looks like white pasta but I found it a bit mushy. I love to vist the health food store and try different types of whole grain products. Lately, even the grocery stores are carrying some pretty good stuff! I hope you can find these products or their equivalents. I live in Tucson and getting the good stuff is rarely a problem. Congratulations on your accomplishment and keep up the good work! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

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