Can't workout without falling asleep afterward!


New Member
I'm roughly 4 months into my 3rd pregnancy. With my first I gained 70 pounds (and lost 75 afterward). I'm in the best shape of my life but couldn't workout at all my first trimester for lack of energy.

Now that I've got more energy and am in my 2nd trimester I've tried to go back to working out. Videos are out of the question as I can hardly stay awake through the end. I find this disconcerting. So I switched to walking on the treadmill. I can get through that but by the time I get cleaned up and have a small snack I am ready to sleep for 30 minutes or so. This just isn't an option since I have 1 child already.

I eat as clean as I can and take multivitamins each day so I don't think it's a diet deficiency. But I don't know what to do about it! Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions?
You may just be tired, that is always a wonderful effect of pregnancy, especially since you are chasing 2 kids around already. But I am also wondering how you are doing on your protein intake? My midwife said that when we are pregnant and breastfeeding, we should have 70-100 grams of protein a day. It will also help level out your blood sugar levels so you don't experience those peaks and crashes. For me that really helped with my energy level. Try to do some form of protein at every meal and also at your snacks. Here is some of the things I did and still do (now that I am breastfeeding)
Yogurt with a diced apple and walnuts
cottage cheese with a cup of berries
string cheese wrapped in a slice of turkey
Nuts, but especially almonds
glass of milk or soy milk or almond milk
those are just a few ideas...
Ok, I was thinking a little bit more about what you wrote. Could you be low in iron??? I know that will knock you down pretty good as well and that is very common in pregnancy.

I have a feeling this post is going to be long....sorry.

You may want to do a little research on your multi-vitamin that you are taking. Grab the bottle and take a peek at the label. Take a quick look to see the source of the iron. Most iron supplements are made with inorganic iron; that is, iron from a mineral (rock) source, such as ferrous sulfate or ferrous gluconate. This causes uncomfortable side effects such as constipation. And, it is very hard for your body to absorb.

Organic iron, such as ferrous fumarate, does not tend to cause constipation. Because it comes from a plant source, rather than rock, the body knows how to use it and you can absorb it. Vitamin C also helps your body to absorb the iron, so you always want to make sure to take those two together (like drinking a glass of OJ while taking your iron supplement).

I did a lot of research into prenatals and what is out there (I was a science teacher before I became a stay-at-home mom and it is just one of those annoying things about me). First thing to do is see if your vitamin is even dissolving. Take your vitamin and put it in a glass of water (or vinegar) and set the timer for 15 minutes. Your vitamin should be completely dissolved. If it is not, chances are it is not dissolving in your stomach before it passes into your intestines (unless your vitamin is a slow-release formula....those are designed differently). Some of the ones I tested did not even start to dissolve in those 15 minuts. Not a good sign. And then the question of is your vitamin synthetic (which uses synthetic vitamins which your body can not absorb) or are they vegetable sources, which your body can recognize and absorb.

I am not trying to promote anything here, but I do want to pass along what I learned and what I used. I personally used Shaklee multi-vitamin because it is plant-based. It contains phytochemicals and alive enzymes that are not found in synthetic vitamins because they process their vitamins by a low-heat method that keeps the enzymes alive. I have a sheet that compares the most common prenatals to that of Shaklee's. If you (or anyone) would like a copy of that sheet, just send me an email and I will email it to you and you can read it (email [email protected] ....I check that one more than the account I have registered with Cathe).

If you want to take a peek at Shaklee's multi, here is a link:
You can also read the label at that link

Like I said, I am not trying to promote anything here, so if you have any questions, go ahead and email them to me.
Thanks for all the info. I'm good on protein intake and am sure to get all the veg that I can (usually 6-8/day) plus a fruit.

As for iron, I am anemic so I've been to the hematologist who prescriped a vitamin as well as iron suppliment. When my OB/GYN saw it even before I got pregnant he switched me to a multivitamin which was more appropriate for my situation. I have noticed such a huge difference since then so I know it's being absorbed and utilized by my body.

I'm really at a loss for what else it could be so I appreciate the ideas. I remember feeling overwhelmingly tired during my first 2 pregnancies (by the way, I only have 1 child) but never attempted to workout this far into a pregnancy, since the first time around I hadn't begun working out yet and the 2nd ended 8-12 weeks along. Maybe I'm just not someone who can workout as much as others. If that's the case it will be hard for me to come to grips with that fact.
Yes, I agree with you, it sounds like you are doing everything right. You may notice as you get farther along in your pregnancy that you get some energy back, or you may not. It sounds like you are feeding your body great, so I don't think it is nutrition either.
I say just listen to your body and if it is telling you to rest, than rest. It takes an incredible amount of energy to create an entire human being. The whole process still fascinates me! Your primary goal right now is to create a healthy little baby, and if that means shorter workouts to very light workouts, or even no workouts, then so be it. It won't be forever and you will get back to your full workout routine after baby comes.
And I am very sorry for the 2 children assumption. I am sorry to hear about your second pregnancy.
I hope you start feeling better soon!

Good luck and keep us updated!

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