Can't get Imax and C&W


Active Member
I just received my Imax/Cardio & Weights DVD's...I was so excited, but after reviewing it I don't think I can do it!...The choreography is so complicated, I am so confused. When Cathe says step up with your right and she is on her left it confuses me and when they jump over the step and turn their backs to the TV, and mombo I am so confused...I almost didn't get this DVD because collage described it as complex, but everyone said it was so great, but I don't think I am going to be able to get!....I can do basic step, but will I ever get this?....Connie
It will take a while. Just keep practicing.

When Cathe calls her steps, she is using her left when she says right. You are to "mirror" her moves. The backwards ones will just take pratice. Watch it, then try to do the move.
Connie: DON"T GET DISCOURAGED! you will get the steps. be patient. you just have to take it one combo at a time. start with step only premix of C/W. go throught the first combo and then rewind and do it over until you get it. then do the second one. if you have never done any other step videos besides basic step, you will have alot of choreography to learn on these workouts, but at least you won't get bored fast.

tell us which steps are confusing you and we can help you break them down.

Hi, Connie:

I have a suggestion. I am having the same problem as you - I really want to be able to do these workouts that everyone raves about, yet the choreography looks so scary! :) It's been suggested to me to take one interval at a time in IMAX2 and learn that before moving on.... relying on it as learning for a bit rather than as cardio. This would work, I think but I have been lazy! I need deadlines and schedules, lol. Would you be interested in buddying up? That might make it easier and more fun...

Let me know what you think.

I thought the same thing when I first tried Body Max. (That was my first Cathe) It just takes a little practice. It's so cool what the mind is capable of. I just thought there was no way I'd ever get it, but I did!! Just practice one segment at a time and take your time! You'll get it down, you'll see!

Have fun!
>When Cathe says step up with your right and she is on her left
>it confuses me

Are you fairly new to video exercise? Most video instructors will mirror cue. I would personally have a hard time using my left foot when the instructor was using her/his left foot, because it wouldn't mirror what I'm doing.
Don't pay attention to what foot Cathe is REALLY using, pretend she's a mirror. Just take it slow, you'll get it.

Honestly, I don't know how CATHE and her crew do their left when she says "right". That would totally mess me up.
Don't give up! Don't let it overwhelm you! As others have said, break it down and learn a little at a time. Once you do you'll be having the time of your life! You don't want to miss out on that!! :) Just work on one combo or one interval at a time - once you start mastering the moves and build your confidence it will be easier and easier! :) :)

Thank you so much for your suggestions everyone...I am gonna start taking one combo at a time and try to mirror Cathe...I am assuming that everyone uses this method.."mirroring" If that is a have Cathe's BC/ME, Kick Max, KPC/L&G...and I have done step classes before but never this tricky...thank you for the encouragement...I am gonna take it slow and be patient...I am hoping it all will just click together real well everyone...Connie

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