Can't decide between Intensities or Body Blast

My birthday is coming up in May so I'm trying to decide what to tell my bf to get me for my birthday. I would like to get just one of the series for now and then another one later. I'm a little new to Cathe. I have her BS/BF and Imax 3, and Muscle Endurance. I have done Step Blast, KPC, and Cardio & Weights on Fit TV.

I'm really just an intermediate exerciser and have to modify some of the jumps in her cardio and when doing ME I can't do as many reps as she does with not NEAR as much weight as she uses. However, I find her so motivating that I don't care if I have to modify for now.

I would like to get into a fat loss rotation. I really am working hard to reduce my body fat %. What do you guys recommend? What is unique about each series?

TIA :+
I would say start with Body Blast....It's good for the intermediate exerciser as well as those who are pretty new to Cathe and it gives you everything you need to put together a great rotation!


Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
I'm kinda new to Cathe myself.
I suggest the Body Blast series. I followed Cathe's "December 2004" rotation just this past January using this series and had really nice results after having just been "maintaining" for a long time. I believe that rotation is still on the "Rotations" board.


Edited to add: That rotation is actually Dec. '03, and can be found on the "Index For Cathe Rotations" thread on that board.
I too have BS/BF and have been trying to decide what is next. I was looking at Step Blast in Body Blast because the music is good, it looks fun and more low impact. My knees aren't that great. I wonder if the other workouts in Body Blast are do-able for me and what are the benefits of getting the whole series. Are there specific rotations for an all body workout. Is that the deal? I too am an int./adv. person with bad knees so am not sure if all of Cathe's stuff is right for me.
Thanks for any replies!
The Intensity series is just that -- intense and mean (but in a good way:) ). It promises to push you farther and it does. The Hardcores and the Intensities are my favorites so far. Body Blast, according to many ladies here, has more of the fun factor. And I agree. I love Step Blast and KPC. L&G is a leg workout with lots of variety. And even though I don't like the structure of the PP and SS workouts, I do like the premixes a lot.

Yes, do check in the rotations forum for body fat reduction rotations. Personally, I use a lot of crosstraining and circuit workouts when trying to burn the flab. But I also put in some weight work as I don't want all that cardio to eat up the muscle I've worked hard for.

From the Intensities, IMAX2, Bootcamp and C&W would be great for fat burning. Insert ME and the Pyramids in your fat loss rotation as well. Weight training makes your body burn fat hours after the workout, while at rest. From Body Blast, SJP, Step Blast and KPC are good fat burners. As an intermediate, you might enjoy PP and SS. These would help you build strength and endurance for ME. Eventually you'll be addicted to Cathe, like so many of us.

I think I may be a minority here...but I like Body Blast better. Although....IMAX2 is part if Intensity. What I did when I bought mine was get all of Body Blast and the IMAX2 DVD. I got the other Intensity workouts separately over a few months.

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