Cannot sign into Live.....


Hi, (also posted this in the LIVE forum)

I had trouble signing into Live this would not let me even get to the "my account" screen. I checked my subscription and found that is is good until August.....any help would be appreciated.

Samsung phone and Chromecast. What happens is the dropdown you get from the 3 line bar appears then disappears so fast you cannot select anything. I went to the Verizon store, and they showed me a "work around" and said they think it is something to do with the site.
Hi fox2star, I'm seeing an issue too in Chrome on my phone only, but I'll have to investigate this further tomorrow. Can I ask though why you're not using the Cathe Live App for your phone?
I can try the app again, but I had so much trouble before and had to get the Tech support people from Chromecast to assist. It worked so much better doing it the way I do now, that I just stuck with it.
Hi fox2star. our Cathe Live app doesn't use Chromecast, so they can't help you with any issue concerning the app. The app is 10 times better and quicker than using a mobile browser and is really simple to use as long as you know your login info. I would suggest trying the app again and if you have any issues contact our customer support team at and they can help you with any issues.
I downloaded the Cathe app from the Google play store, and it won't open...

it shows an error message:

"Cathelive has stopped.
Restart App
Send Feedback.

This is what happened the last time I tried to use the app, which is why I went back to using the web site.
When you say that the app doesn't use Chromecast, does that mean it doesn't work with Chromecast?
Hi fox2star, our app doesn't use your Chromecast browser. You could delete Chromecast from your phone and it wouldn't have any effect? However, are you using a phone or a tablet?
I am using a Samsung phone to stream. Sorry, but not sure what you mean by deleting Chromecast from my you mean Google Chrome as a browser? I have Chromecast on my phone to use to stream on to the TV
???...not sure why this started happening all of a sudden? I have been using the browser with the Chromecast streaming device and my Samsung phone for at least a year.
I am using a Samsung phone to stream. Sorry, but not sure what you mean by deleting Chromecast from my you mean Google Chrome as a browser? I have Chromecast on my phone to use to stream on to the TV
Hi Fox2star, I was referring to a "chrome browser", but I typed "Chromecast Browser". Sorry for the confusion. Does the app play okay on your phone, or is the problem only when you try to cast to your TV using Chromecast?
What model is your Samsung phone? Also, the browser menu issue you reported earlier has now been fixed.

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