can you use dumbells instead of a barbell?


For Cathe or anyone in the know...This is another weight question (I posted one earlier today too). I'm new to weight lifting in case you haven't guessed ;) I own dumbells but not a barbell. I was wondering if I can continue to substitue dumbells for the barbell sets and still see results or if I should invest in a barbell and plates (space is also an issue for me)? If I stick to the dumbells, should I aim for the same amount of weight that Cathe is using on the barbell or do you use less weight with dumbells?
Thanks for any advice,
I do know on some of=her tapes she does say you can use dumbeels instead of a bar. i would guess to use a weight you are comfortable with. I know I use dumbells when she does pilate (sp?) squats just because it's easier on my back. Hoope this helps, KAY
dumbbells are fine. just as long as they are heavy enough to challenge you. barbell's are good for squats/lunges b/c you can get a high weight (30, 40, 50 pounds) where it is hard to hold this type of weight in your hand with dumbbells. i often substitute exercises with my dumbbells when i don't feel like using the barbell. Most of the time its just personal preference on which one you like to use. good luck
While you are waiting to hear from Cathe, thought I'd offer up my .02..

I think you can sub in most exercises w/ dumbbells.. in fact, for chest presses, I prefer using them over a barbell as that you can get a greater range of motion, plus each arm works on its own so if you have a dominant arm, that won't take more of the weight.

For Lower body work, I still prefer a barbell... the dumbbells kind of get in the way sometimes esp for squats and plie squats (if you are using 2 dumbbells w/ the plie squats.)

Take care, Lynn M.
Hi Andrea! I just wanted to let you know that I have been enjoying Cathe's workouts for a couple of years now and I do not own a barbell. I do all my Cathe workouts using dumbbells and it has worked for me. I try to aim for the same total weight she uses on her barbell for each exercise. Eventually I will probably get the barbell because I feel that I am progressing but just starting out I think you are fine without it. Getting in the habit of working out with weights (in whichever form you like!) is more important, then eventually you will know when it's time to add new equipment to make your workouts better. Good luck!
Thanks for all the great advice! I'll stick with my dumbells for now and aim for the barbells when I feel I'm ready for them!
Not cathe here.
Great thing about dumbbells is no time spent in changing the weights, just grab what you need. I just use dumbbells.

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