Can you lose weight using Cathe?

I know it sounds like a crazy question but I have to ask because I have been reading different posts on the boards and a lot of people seemed to be complaining about the scale stopping although they were losing inches. I was just curious as to why that is.
Yes, You Can!!!

Yes, you can lose weight with Cathe. I have not seen many people “complaining” about losing inches and not pounds. Most members of this community are delighted with their new smaller size and have learned that the scale is not a reliable measure of success. I learned this powerful lesson in November thanks to the encouragement I received here. I have always focused on cardio and circuit training with light weights. I was shocked when I started Cathe’s 4-Day Split with heavy weights and GAINED 10 pounds the first week. The knowledgeable women in this forum encouraged me to toss the scale and educated me as why my body responded that way. I am so glad! I packed my scale in a closet for a few weeks and embraced heavy weight training. Three weeks later, I had to buy smaller jeans. Out of curiosity, I pulled out my scale and discovered that my weight had not changed an ounce even though I was smaller. I was delighted with my new jeans and had already determined not to give that number power over me, so I was NOT upset and certainly did not complain about such amazing progress. I celebrated and could care less about the number on the scale when I was seeing visible results. Then 10 pounds fell off in 10 days when I was not looking just as everyone assured me. I suggest that you read this thread in its entirety with all the excellent advice I was given as well as my updates:

Read this thread too (including my update from today) to see that this story indeed had a happy ending for me:

Be sure to read the whole threads to get an accurate picture.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Yes, You Can!!!

Since starting with Cathe about 9 or 10 months ago, I have lost about 10 or 12 pounds. At first, the number on the scale was dropping pretty steadily. Now, that has slowed up by I am continuing to lose fat and build muscle. As Heather said above, I am needing smaller clothes, but the scale is saying the same thing.

Yes, you absolutely can use Cathe to lose weight, you have to decide what your focus is.
RE: Yes, You Can!!!

I can attest that you can lose weight using Cathe's workouts. I've lost 10lbs in one month, a dress size and inches using her intermediate rotation. Initially, I gained weight, but it was water which my body used to repair itself. So don't be shocked by that. Also, the biggest factor in whether you're going to lose any weight is if you're eating clean. That's about 80% of the equation I think.

There's also another benefit to using Cathe. You're going to build muscle. And that will add on a little bit of weight but will make you look even smaller. An analogy would be that if you took one pound of cotton candy and one pound of metal, the pound of metal would look much smaller. In the past, I've lost weight, but never added muscle and no one really noticed and I continued to look flabby. Cathe has changed this and I keep getting compliments that I look so much slimmer, even when the scale says I haven't lost weight for the week. But if you stick to it, it will shift.

Good luck,

I lost 15 pounds this summer/fall doing nothing but Cathe and some occasional jogging when I was away from home. I also dropped 2 pants sizes. I ate well, exercised several times a week, and the weight "magically" came off. Weird. ;)

You may not lose "weight," but you will lose fat, which is what people want to do when they lose "weight" anyway, right?;-) (You wouldn't want to lose muscle, or internal organs! LOL!)

I think any 'complaints' you may see are concerns due to the ingrained idea and misconception that 'getting fitter/slimmer' = 'losing weight.' We're really hung up on 'numbers' in the US.

The scale is actually a much less accurate measure of fitness/slimness than the way your clothes fit and how you look in a mirror, since the same amount of muscle weighs more than fat (a pound of fat is about 20% (?) larger than a pound of muscle, so as you replace lumpy, shapeless fat with firm, rounded muscle, you may weigh the same, or even gain weight, but will look (and feel) much better).

Also, when you start weight training, there may be a weight increase and size increase due to retaining fluids, as your body does this as somewhat of a protective measure, thinking that the new stresses put on it (by lifting weighs) is some kind of threat. This lasts a short while, then your body 'figures out' that the weight work isn't a threat, and stops retaining the extra weight.
You can lose weight doing any form of exercise, or nothing at all. Why? Because to lose weight, it is mostly about your diet. Now ask me if I can get fit and strong and look awesome with Cathe. The answer is 100% yes. I got another comment from a guy I swim with yesterday. He has been out of the water 2 months. After swimming a couple laps next to me yesterday, he stopped, and said, what the heck have you been doing, because you have changed quite a bit, you look awesome! Think he wants to hear about Cathe and 4DS?
Don't get lost in the numbers game. What your scales tell you doesn't really mean much when you change your body composition to include more muscle and less fat.

Nobody but you knows what the scales say....but everyone will know how much better you look. And that's what Cathe's workouts will do for you...improve you to a place where numbers on a scale are meaningless.

The mirror, not the scale, should be the way you appraise yourself when you workout.

Thanks all for your advice. I do need to stop relying so much on that scale. I think cause I am starting out at a much larger number that is why I want to lose weight. My starting weight is 240 lbs although most would say I don't look like it. I told my boss the other day that I wanted to lose 100 lbs and she was like good lord know, will disappear, which made me feel good. She doesn't know my starting weight...I can probably attribute that to weight training a lot when I was younger. Anyway I am feeling much better about my decision to start Cathe. I ordered the videos for the Beginner rotation and plan to start Monday. I cannot wait to see the changes in my body. I am sure I will be posting throughout my journey.

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