can you help me modify these exercises?


Lunges, of any kind, make my left knee hurt. This is the only exercise that does it, but I really need to modify for them. I have been fast-forwarding through the lunges section, but is there an exercise I can substitute instead?

Also, is it safe to do t-bar rows holding dumbbells instead of a barbell? I have been using 2 15-lb dumbbells held together. My 2-year-old does the PS tapes with me, and she only has the little pink dumbbells, so I haven't been using my barbell, since we have to 'match'. You will discover the fun of exercising with a little one too!
You should see her doing push-ups and situps! Too cute!

BTW, I really like it when you have someone modify in your videos, like in PS-CST with the French Press instead of tricep dips. It is really helpful.

take care!
I'd like to know too.

I can't do lunges at the moment either, not because of my knees, but because of my feet. It just kills my back foot when I put all that pressure on the forefoot, so I'd like an alternative to lunges as well. Hope that putting in my .02 will take this back to the top and maybe Cathe (or someone else) will see it and answer it.
Similar problems

I like how the lunges feel - they hurt!! But I feel a "click" in my left knee sometimes. Both of my knees bother me after I do lots of lunges. Hopefully someone with an answer will come to our rescue! My kids (ages 1,3,and 5) also love to exercise with me. i just bought them their first workout tape. maybe Cathe will make a fun one for kids because the one I bought really stinks! I think the instructors forgot to practice before taping it.

I have a "trick" knee that is easily reinjured. I've found that forward lunges are the worst. Can you do rear lunges? How about static lunges? I've found that doing static lunges, with the front foot on an 8" step, making sure to keep weight on the front heel and keeping the shin perpendicular to the ground) don't bother my knees at all, but really focus on the hamstrings and glutes.
I can't do those either

I wish I could do static lunges, but they absolutely kill my back foot. With static lunges
there is constant weight and pressure on the bent
forefoot and I just can't do that. Rear lunges
aren't much better. I must add that I have flat
feet with no arches so I have problems bending the
foot in half while supporting weight. I do wear
arch supports, but they don't stay in place inside
the shoe when you bend your foot that much. I'm
beginning think lunges are out the question except
as a once-in-a-while exercise.
Arch supports


Have you tried some over-the-counter full insoles with arch supports? They don't slip around in the shoe, and they might give you the foot support that you need. They definitely helped me (although I wear custom orthotics now).

Trouble with lunges too

Lunges absolutely KILL my big toe joints! Having all that weight on just one small part of the foot is not a happy thing. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to do them effectively. I've still been able to achieve good quad development through other exercises though. Maybe it's not that big a loss?
Other quad exercises.


What other quad exercises do you do besides
squats? Do you have special equipment? I can
do tall box step ups with no problems, but I'd
like some more variety. Any and all answers would
be appreciated. TIA.
Hi Jane

I've found that along with squats, the other variety of exercises on PS SLA keep my quads in good shape. The hover squats seem to be especially effective...they certainly feel like it anyway.
In addition, stepping seems to keep my quads toned. I haven't noticed any real deficit between when I was doing lunges and now when I don't. Other than aching big toe joints, I'm not sure what they were really doing for me. Also they do bother my knees sometimes. I may do as you mentioned and just attempt them periodically to see if I have any better luck.

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