Can you have TOO much variety?


I am wondering if it's possible to have TOO much variety in a workout rotation?

Here is what I have as a base (without posting the exact workouts I'll be using)

Sun: cardio
Mon: upper body weights
Tues: cardio
Wed: lower body weights
Thu: cardio
Fri: total body weights
Sat: Stretch Max

+adding abs in 3 times a week.

Is it a good idea to keep the weight workouts the same for a few weeks in a row? Or is it okay (as I have planned for myself) to use a different weight workout each week?

Thanks for your help and for all the awesome choices that I just can't seem to fit in! LOL.

Hi Gayle,

I'd love an answer to this too! I follow a rotation a lot like yours alternating between upper and lower body and sticking cardio in on the days in between - but i NEEEEED variety. I can't stand to do a DVD two times in a row - like if I do L&G on Monday, I have to do another leg workout on Friday. Sometimes instead of doing a weight workout, I may kickbox since my legs get kind of sore after a good all-out workout. Cathe has given us so many wonderful options - how can i limit myself to just a few???

Hope Cathe answers!!!


I am glad I am not the only one wondering this. Like you, I have a hard time doig the same workout more than one time in a week. The ONLY exception to this are the Pyramids, which I could do every singe day if I allowed myself. LOL

I was going to do the Hardcore rotation, but there are just so many other Cathe workouts that I'd miss that I would feel guilty. Too many choices. LOL

I really hope there is an answer out there.

Hi Gayle!

I feel the same way. I am planning a March rotation with focus on legs, sort of doing my own thing! I will try to use as many of Cathe's workouts that I have-I would have a hard time just doing the hardcore workouts. I have only had CTX for about 1 month and the intensity series for about 2 months, so am anxious to become more familiar with them as well. I also would feel like I am missing out on some super fun workouts if I just stuck with the hardcores. Of course I love them, too, and will incorporate them into my rotation.
Heck, I don't even follow a strict rotation. I do what I feel like doing on a particular day -- except I always permit a 48 hour rest for muscle training.

Some days I think, it's a revisit Circuit Max Day -- the next it's a Low Max Day because I love this workout so much I go through withdrawal when I don't do it.

Today I did the cardio sections from IMAX two times and then did Pyramid Upper Body. I had no plans to do Pyramid Upper Body - I just felt like doing it.
I can't follow a rotation either. I just do what I feel like each day, making sure that I alternate cardio with weights or AWT.
I've never followed a rotation either, but I do have something loosely planned in mind. The upper body works out great per week, but the legs is a little harder to get it all in.

Upper per week each gym style workout and then one total upper body workout like PUB or ME upper body split & cardio & weights upper body split. I like those 2 together.

In combination with /

For legs I am doing one circuit workout, and two strength workouts, but only 1 with floor work. I hate it. Then the cardio is a moderate intensity day followed by a high intensity day, or low, followed by moderate, to high intensity. Breaks come for legs on the upper body days, but some times I have to double up. I plug in workouts that fit the description. How confusing and it never comes out quite right, but it is working for me right now.

I need variety too - my rotation includes Cathe, Taebo and Spinning at the gym. Cathe is the only one I do for weights though. I rotate the tapes as much as the style of workout! (I have almost all of Cathe's and almost all of Billy's - my husband looks at me like I've lost my mind!!! LOL!)

I'm just picking my workout up again and this rotation looks like it will keep me interested.

Yes and no. For a workout to be the most effective for you. You have to really know it, and can aqueeze and tighten the muscles as you move into what ever exercise your doing, long before you are qued to do so. Also you should be able, to know the routine enough not to even be concerned with the foot work, but to actually concentrate on each movement and really be able to tighten and emphasis the movement. For example, the simple basic step up move on a step. When you do it, you should tightne your stomach mucles as your raise your leg, and then put the foot on the step, when you step up you should tighten the stomach muscle more, as well as concentrate on the leg muscles and really push yourself up with that leg. This is the type of concentration you need for the most effective workout. Your more concerned with the abs and the leg mucles and tightening them to really give you a good burn when you've done it to your thresh hold.

Now once you have that down, then it doesn't mater on the variety. Granted if you know one workout, but just got another, the one you just got will work yout, but you won't get the most benifit until you know it. Now that isn't saying that your not getting any benifit from the one you just got. It's just not the max benifit. I always go for the max.

As for your routine, it's not bad, and yes you can change your weight routines, but the way you have that week is very good and very balanced. Your doing strenth training total body (2 a week) which is what you should. You broke it up on Mon/Wed and then have a total body friday. Which works. You got your Cardio 3 times a week, and your stretching. You definietly can't go wrong with that routine you posted. Very nice and very well balanced.

I hope that helps.

Kit-what you're saying makes lots of sense and I understand that. In order to really get 110% effectiveness from a move, you need to KNOW that move. My question goes beyond that, I guess. I have done almost every one of Cathe's weight workouts several times EACH and know the workouts very well (at least I think so). Having said that, does changing weight workouts every single week take anything away from it?

Maybe I am just splitting hairs here, who knows.


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