Can you have flat abs after a C-section?


I know this may be for pregnant women, but I really need help. Four years ago I had abdominal surgery during my third pregnancy. I was cut like a C-Section. It was an exploratory laparotomy. I can't get rid of the pouch. I always had flat abs before. I bounced right back after the first two pregnancies. How can I tone this area and get rid of the band of loose skin? Thank you so much. I'm on a lowfat diet and keep my calories at 1500. I do cardio five times a week and strength three times a week. I work my abs every other day.
Hi Cmayes! I am not familiar with the surgery you had. Did you ask your doctor what the after effects could be for your skin tone? Perhaps this could have something to do with your skin not coming back in the same way it did for your first two pregnancies. Was this third pregnancy very different as far as weight gain, perhaps you stretched your skin a bit more with this pregnancy. Just some things to consider.

You sound as if you are plenty active and keeping a good diet (just up the calories a bit). Perhaps you need to shock your metabolism with a new workout plan entirely. I suggest you bring your calorie intake up to 1800 calories, make two of your 5 cardio workouts high intensity and make a third one an all out interval workout. Alternate high intensity cardio with lower intensity on a daily basis. Mix traditional crunches with non-traditional core work (planks, stability ball exercises). If you have access to a gym use their abdominal equipment. Good Luck!
I know I'm not Cathe, but I can speak from "some" experience. I had a c-section with my daughter, and after I had her is when I first "really" discovered videos. I pretty much got back down to my regular size, great upper abs, but that lower pooch was just that. Since then I have had a few more abdominal surgeries, and thus never totally got back on the fitness wagon regularly, and my abs look horrible. I can say that exercising the abs will make them look better, but I can't say that mine will ever be flat again. I have read different articles throughout the years and most women do not ever totally get back those abs, though I have read just a few stories where they have. I'm hoping once I do lose this weight (60 lbs.) that the major part of this fat in my abs will disappear, but I'm not expecting the flat abs I had years ago.
RE: I have had 2 C-Sections

I think that it is possible to get your abs in good shape after a c-section, however, the scar and loose skin is there for good. I have very strong abs but I do have more fat deposit it seems in the lower ab area. When my body fat is down, my abs are definitely flatter down there and I have really good definition in the upper abs.

I think flat abs are really a combination of very strong muscles and lower body fat. If you can get the layer of fat of the abs, they will be flatter. That is easier said than done for some people because sometimes the spots we hate the most are the last to go when fat comes off. I think it depends on where your body tends to store fat. If you are one that stores it in your hips and thighs, getting flat abs will be a lot easier than the person who tends to store it in the lower ab area (like me).

I have always noticed that if women like their abs, they generally dislike their butt and thighs and vice versa.

The upshot of all of this is that it is possible to get a really strong core and have very strong abs after a c-section. The flatness part depends more on your diet and body fat I think.

Just my .02.

I do not have any advice for you, but I know how you feel. I had C-section (bikini-line cut) with my twins and has the same problem as you do. I have always had flat abs. My problem was compounded with having twins at a later age, and I have small frame. I did not gain a lot of weight during the pregnancy, and the babies weight at 12 lbs total (I was sooo big I felt like I was going to explode!). I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight quickly, but my abs was never the same again. I noticed that the 'pouch' did get a little flatter when I finally lost my last 5 lbs, but it never went away.

My OB (who is very candid) told me that the only way to get my abs back was tummy tuck. I do not want to go under a knife for vanity (IMO); furthermore, it costs a bundle! Having said that, I know some people said they do recover nicely after c-sect. I am still hoping and trying!


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